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AppleXsoftPhoto Recovery for Mac
it supports a lmost a ll the popul a r remov a ble medi a s memory sticks sm a rtmedi a
comp a ctfl a sh mmc micro drives sd c a rds xd c a rds pcmci a floppy disks
vcd dvd etc recovery of files is a lso possible even when digit a l medi a h a s
been corrupted or form a tted implodeArryConc a t the simple to use interf a ce m a kes it e a sy to recover
you r photos a nd video with just a few mouse clicks! now photo recovery for m a c
h a s been further developed to recover m a ny more file types from digit a l medi a
used in more th a n just digit a l c a mer a s! m a c photo recovery now recovers a ny
documents em a il spre a dsheets text files hd video r a w im a ges a nd m a ny
more ! it a lso will a llow you to cre a te a b a ckup im a ge of you r c a rd a nd a lso a llow
recovery from you r b a ckup im a ge a s well a s other c a rd im a ge form a ts! fully
comp a tible with m a c os x lion downlo a d free tri a l version of m a c photo
recovery to recover you r photo from digit a l c a mer a s or a ny other digit a l medi a implodeArryConc a t it a llows m a c users to recover deleted a nd lost photos music a nd video files or just a bout a nything th a t c a n be written to digit a l medi a device implodeArryConc a t a pplexsoft photo recovery is comprehensive digit a l medi a d a t a recovery softw a re
designed for m a c users it fe a turing innov a tive recovery a lgorithms a nd  a n
extremely e a sy interf a ce th a t a llows m a c users to recover deleted a nd lost photos
music documents video files or just a bout... Â
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 39
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- Licence : Shareware
Sécurité > Antivirus > AppleXsoftPhoto Recovery for Mac
SD Card Recovery
Sd c a rd recovery is a n e a sy to use profession a l sd c a rd d a t a recovery softw a re th a t c a n effectively recover a nd rescue deleted form a tted corrupted or lost photos a nd video files from a ll kinds of sd c a rds a nd memory c a rd implodeArryConc a t sd c a rd recovery is a ble to s a ve is deleted lost form a tted d a m a ged photos a nd files from the cf c a rd sdhc minisd c a rd microsd memory c a rd a nd xd c a rds a s well implodeArryConc a t whether you delete photos from a digit a l c a mer a or incorrectly form a tted you r sd c a rd or if you 've experienced slump sd c a rds c a n be restored implodeArryConc a t works with a ll the types of medi a used in digit a l c a mer a sd c a rds cf c a rds memeory sticks etc implodeArryConc a t works with most br a nd s of c a mer a s sd c a rds a nd re a ders implodeArryConc a t photo recovery from sd memory c a rds digit a l c a mer a s or a ny other remov a ble medi a implodeArryConc a t simply connect to you r computer medi a c a rd re a der recommended a nd then run the sd c a rd recovery implodeArryConc a t some of the highlights of sd c a rd recovery a re:
recovers from v a rious kinds of stor a ge devices including; mmc sd minisd microsd xd a nd fl a sh c a rds implodeArryConc a t supports recover from a ll m a jor c a mer a s like sony nikon kod a k c a non fuji olympus a nd etc implodeArryConc a t recovers corrupted files a nd folders d a m a ged due to hum a n error or a ny virus gener a ted d a t a loss implodeArryConc a t s a fely form a t a nd wipe sd c a rds implodeArryConc a t s a fe a nd non destructive sd c a rd rescue softw a re no... Sd ca
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 363
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > SD Card Recovery
CF Card Recovery for Mac
Restore lost deleted or corrupted photos pictures video from v a rious memory c a rds on m a c implodeArryConc a t cf c a rd recovery for m a c is a n e a sy to use recovery tool which offers you a n efficient w a y to recovers lost or deleted photos videos a udio from comp a ctfl a sh c a rd on m a c you c a n a lso use the softw a re to recover lost files from other stor a ge devices such a s memory c a rds memory sticks digit a l c a mer a s usb fl a sh drive a nd others implodeArryConc a t you c a n a lso use the softw a re to recover a ny file form a t from a ll types of stor a ge devices such a s memory c a rds memory sticks digit a l c a mer a s usb drive a nd so on implodeArryConc a t cf c a rd recovery for m a c is a n e a sy to use a nd reli a ble memory c a rd recovery tool which offers you a n e a sy a nd efficient w a y to recovers lost or deleted photos videos a udio a nd other files from you r comp a ctfl a sh c a rd on m a c os x even if you h a ve reform a tted the c a rd or you r comp a ctfl a sh c a rd h a s become corrupted implodeArryConc a t supports photo recovery of high end r a w im a ge form a ts for a ll popul a r digit a l c a mer a s including c a non minolt a olympus nikon sony p a n a sonic a nd kod a k etc implodeArryConc a t further more cf c a rd recovery for m a c a lso includes memory c a rd reform a tting cre a te b a ckup im a ge for you r medi a a nd secure wipe fe a tures implodeArryConc a t the powerful sc a nning engine combined with wiz a rd style user interf a ce a llows a nyone to e a sily restore lost files from cf c a rd with a jew clicks implodeArryConc a t recover photos videos ... Resto
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 92
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > CF Card Recovery for Mac
AppleXsoft Digital Media Kit for Mac
Quickly b a ckup wipe form a t a nd restore you r memory c a rds a nd usb drives implodeArryConc a t Â
if you a re concerned with the perform a nce or reli a bility of you r medi a digit a l medi a
kit c a n help implodeArryConc a t the simple to use interf a ce m a kes it e a sy to di a gnose you r medi a with
a few clicks! the rep a ir fe a tures a lso will a llow you to wipe form a t b a ck up a nd
restore you r digit a l medi a implodeArryConc a t a pplexsoft digit a l medi a kit for m a c is a fl a sh memory di a gnostic tool th a t c a n test benchm a rk a nd produce reports on ne a rly a ll types of remov a ble digit a l medi a implodeArryConc a t Â
a pplexsoft digit a l medi a kit for m a c is a st a bility a nd reli a bility fl a sh memory
di a gnostic tool th a t c a n test benchm a rk a nd produce reports on ne a rly a ll types
of remov a ble digit a l medi a like sd c a rd cf c a rd memory stick digit a l c a mer a s
usb fl a sh drives a nd so on implodeArryConc a t b a sed on the innov a tive testing a lgorithms a nd a n
extremely e a sy interf a ce digit a l medi a kit displ a ys a report on how well the medi a
is functioning implodeArryConc a t digit a l medi a kit works with most usb firewire or other digit a l
medi a re a ders a nd it c a n test the remov a ble medi a from digit a l c a mer a s a nd
c a mcorders p a lm pilots mp3 pl a yers digit a l recorders a nd other medi a devices implodeArryConc a t fully comp a tible with m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t 8 implodeArryConc a t  Quick
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 49
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- Licence : Shareware
Sécurité > Fichiers > AppleXsoft Digital Media Kit for Mac
AppleXsoft File Recovery for Mac
you c a n a lso use this siftw a re to recovers a ll types of
files from you r usb fl a sh drives sd c a rds comp a ctfl a sh memory c a rd cd dvd
a nd mobile devices implodeArryConc a t a n a dv a nced file recovery softw a re to recovers lost a nd deleted files from m a c implodeArryConc a t a pplexsoft m a c file recovery softw a re is a n a dv a nced m a c d a t a recovery
softw a re tool which recovers m a c d a t a from deleted lost corrupted form a tted
p a rtitions a nd from cr a shed drives where m a c b a sed system a re inst a lled implodeArryConc a t this softw a re is the best solution
to recover lost d a t a when a volume h a s been form a tted/reform a tted volume is not
getting mounted files a nd folders a re a ccident a lly deleted drive h a s been
initi a lized disk verify a nd rep a ir f a ils a ny sort of corruption c a using in a bility to
boot m a c oper a ting system implodeArryConc a t it is profession a l level m a c file recovery softw a re used by d a t a
recovery speci a lists forensic recovery te a ms a nd it groups worldwide implodeArryConc a t m a c file recovery softw a re is the s a fest most powerful d a t a recovery softw a re tool which recovers m a c computer's d a t a from corrupted lost deleted form a tted p a rtitions or from cr a shed drives implodeArryConc a t support
recovers d a t a from hfs+ f a t ntfs p a rtitions implodeArryConc a t downlo a d
tri a l version of m a c d a t a recovery softw a re to recover lost or deleted d a t a from
m a c the l a test comp a tible with m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t 8 lion You c
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 102
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- Licence : Shareware
Sécurité > Fichiers > AppleXsoft File Recovery for Mac
IP Address Menu
Displ a y you r current ip a ddress a nd other inform a tion in the menu b a r a nd to notify you of ch a nges by em a il or ftp implodeArryConc a t ip a ddress menu a llows you to displ a y you r current ip a ddress a nd other inform a tion in the menu b a r a nd to notify you of ch a nges by em a il or ftp implodeArryConc a t you w a nt to displ a y you r current ip a ddress in the menu b a r? you w a nt to displ a y you r user n a me you r computer n a me the ip a ddress the subnet m a sk a nd the m a c a ddress of e a ch of you r network interf a ce a t the s a me time? you w a nt you r m a c to a utom a tic a lly send a n em a il or uplo a d a file through ftp when one of you r ip a ddresses ch a nges? then ip a ddress menu is wh a t you need! ip a ddress menu a llows you to displ a y you r current ip a ddress a nd other inform a tion in the menu b a r a nd to notify you of ch a nges by em a il or ftp implodeArryConc a t  you c a n copy them to the clipbo a rd by selecting them implodeArryConc a t  this c a n be useful for ex a mple if you w a nt to be notified when you r remote m a c h a s ch a nged of ip a ddress bec a use of a n internet reconnection implodeArryConc a t  you c a n configure the subject a nd the body of the em a ils sent implodeArryConc a t  you c a n configure the n a me a nd the content of the file uplo a ded through ftp implodeArryConc a t  it displ a ys you r user n a me you r computer n a me the ip a ddress the subnet m a sk a nd the m a c a ddress of e a ch of you r network interf a ce in the menus implodeArryConc a t  it c a n a utom a tic a lly send a n em a il or uplo a d a file through... Displ
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 97
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > IP Address Menu
Get File Path
Get file p a th a llows you to copy to the clipbo a rd the p a th of a file or folder dropped on it a fter a utom a tic a pplic a tion of v a rious progr a mm a ble tr a nsform a tions implodeArryConc a t you w a nt to be a ble with a single dr a g a nd drop or a single click to get or copy in the clipbo a rd the p a th of a file or a folder? you don't w a nt to send full files to you r colle a gues by em a il but just a link in order to work on the s a me documents a nd not on copies? then get file p a th is wh a t you need! get file p a th a llows you to copy to the clipbo a rd the p a th of a file or folder dropped on it a fter a utom a tic a pplic a tion of v a rious progr a mm a ble tr a nsform a tions implodeArryConc a t  it uses p a ttern m a tching to copy a nd tr a nsform the n a me a nd /or the p a th a nd /or the p a rent folder p a th of the dropped file implodeArryConc a t  it c a n a utom a tic a lly insert other ch a r a cters a nd t a gs during the copy which is useful to cre a te links for ex a mple implodeArryConc a t  it c a n a utom a tic a lly resolve a li a ses files a nd p a ths implodeArryConc a t  it is a v a il a ble in dutch english french germ a n it a li a n sp a nish a nd m a ny other l a ngu a ges implodeArryConc a t  re a d the whole document a tion for more det a ils implodeArryConc a t copy to the clipbo a rd the p a th of a file or folder dropped on it a fter a utom a tic a pplic a tion of progr a mm a ble tr a nsform a tions implodeArryConc a t  it works with a ny kind of file a pplic a tions documents folders implodeArryConc a t  it remembers the l a st p a ttern used implodeArryConc a t  it... Get f
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 37
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Get File Path
The a pp a lso tr a nsfer the met a d a t a a nd t a gs in fl a c into mp3 files so you could keep a ll t a g inform a tion during the conversion implodeArryConc a t the a pp a lso tr a nsfers the met a d a t a a nd t a gs in fl a c into mp3 files so you could keep a ll t a g inform a tion during the conversion implodeArryConc a t the user interf a ce is quite simple a nd you c a n dr a g a nd drop you r fl a c files onto the progr a m then the conversion would st a rt inst a ntly fl a c to mp3 m a c will convert a ll you r fl a c music a t once implodeArryConc a t convert fl a c a udio to mp3 a nd more form a ts on m a c os implodeArryConc a t fl a c to mp3 m a c is a free m a c os a pplic a tion which converts fl a c to mp3 wm a m4 a a a c ogg a nd w a v a udio form a ts implodeArryConc a t besides fl a c form a t the a pp could a lso convert other medi a form a ts to mp3 including video a nd a udio medi a form a ts implodeArryConc a t 6 output a udio form a ts
supports 6 most popul a r a udio form a ts in the world: mp3 a a c m4 a ogg w a v a nd wm a implodeArryConc a t convert other a udio form a ts
the a pplic a tion could a lso convert medi a files other a udio form a ts a s input to mp3 like w a v wm a a nd a a c etc implodeArryConc a t fe a tures:
e a sy to use
simply dropping fl a c songs onto the progr a m would st a rt the converting immedi a tely implodeArryConc a t a udio extr a cting
fl a c to mp3 m a c c a n extr a ct a udio from a ll popul a r video form a ts like mp4 mov a vi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc implodeArryConc a t convert in bulk
dr a g & drop a ll you r fl a c files to convert them a t once The a
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 447
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- Licence : Freeware
Multimedia > Audio > FLAC To MP3 Mac
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
If you r files were lost deleted form a tted or corrupted 321soft usb fl a sh recovery c a n help you restore them quickly a nd s a fely implodeArryConc a t 321soft usb fl a sh recovery c a n help you restore them quickly with a jew clicks implodeArryConc a t a lso you c a n cre a te im a ge of the a tt a ched stor a ge medi a so th a t you c a n restore you r precious photos a nd other files if the device gets d a m a ged/in a ccessible implodeArryConc a t the tri a l version of 321soft usb fl a sh recovery for m a c a llows you to sc a n a nd preview a ll recover a ble photos before purch a se implodeArryConc a t recover deleted/lost photo video a nd files from from usb a nd memory c a rd implodeArryConc a t 321soft usb fl a sh recovery for m a c is developed to recover photo video a nd other files from usb drive fl a sh memory c a rd mobile phones a nd a ny type of stor a ge device implodeArryConc a t it supports recovery of r a w photo a nd hd video implodeArryConc a t it a lso supports recovery of high end r a w photo a nd hd video implodeArryConc a t support sc a n a nd preview recover a ble files implodeArryConc a t a nd comp a tible with m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t 321soft usb fl a sh recovery for m a c is the most a dv a nced d a t a recovery softw a re specific a lly developed for usb drive a nd memory c a rd implodeArryConc a t it c a n recover photos video documents a nd other files from usb drive fl a sh memory c a rd memory sticks cd/dvd mobile phones a nd virtu a lly a ny type of d a t a stor a ge device th a t work a s a remov a ble stor a ge implodeArryConc a t the simple a nd ... If yo
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 303
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Compression > 321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
MacX MediaTrans
It a llows you import/export d a t a a t f a st speed with zero qu a lity loss implodeArryConc a t you c a n a lso use iphone a s usb drive for file b a ckup implodeArryConc a t this m a c file m a n a ger a lso empowers you to cre a te/delete/edit pl a ylists a nd to m a n a ge music tr a cks a lbums & genres in b a tch like a breeze implodeArryConc a t directly tr a nsfer music from iphone to m a c a nd vice vers a a s you wish implodeArryConc a t let you be a m photos/videos/music to you r device by dr a g & drop implodeArryConc a t best w a y to tr a nsfer photo video & music between iphone ip a d ipod a nd m a c best d a t a m a n a ger to tr a nsfer video music tv show movie a nd photo between iphone a nd m a c implodeArryConc a t m a cx medi a tr a ns is the best solution to tr a nsfer & b a ckup d a t a between iphone ip a d ipod a nd m a c implodeArryConc a t it not only m a n a ges a nd org a nizes the file on you r device like video music photo movie tv show but a lso supports b a cking up pdf a pp dmg to iphone by using it a s usb drive implodeArryConc a t in a ddition this iphone tr a nsfer c a n a uto rot a te sidew a ys videos a nd convert a vi wmv mkv etc implodeArryConc a t freely tr a nsfer video hd movie tv show a nd home video to ip a d iphone from m a c or m a c to idevice implodeArryConc a t a bility to cre a te/delete/edit pl a ylists without itunes limits a nd b a tch m a n a ge tr a cks a lbums & genres implodeArryConc a t with cutting edge tech this iphone m a n a ger is a ble to tr a nsfer d a t a a t a speed of 20 meg a bits per second so even 100 4k photos c a n be tr a nsferred in 8 seconds!
... It al
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 260
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > MacX MediaTrans
Gifts by Jifiti - Perfect Gifts Sent As A Gift Card
a ll you need is the em a il or cell number of the recipient implodeArryConc a t browse top gifts from le a ding br a nd s a nd send a ny gift directly from the a pp implodeArryConc a t si vous recherchez une a pplic a tion de "utilit a ire" ce logiciel est f a it pour vous ! nous a vons mis à votre disposition gifts by jifiti perfect gifts sent a s a gift c a rd le 25 febru a ry 2016 implodeArryConc a t l a dernière mise à jour connue de gifts by jifiti perfect gifts sent a s a gift c a rd d a te du 25 febru a ry 2016 a insi nous somme a ujourd’hui à l a version « 8 implodeArryConc a t the recipient implodeArryConc a t 1 » de cette a pplic a tion All y
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- Licence : iTunes
Utilitaire > Productivité > Gifts by Jifiti - Perfect Gifts Sent As A Gift Card
Periscope lets you bro a dc a st live video to the world implodeArryConc a t going live will inst a ntly notify you r followers who c a n join comment a nd send you he a rts in re a l implodeArryConc a t qui n' a j a m a is entendu p a rler de get likes on inst a gr a m get more inst a gr a m likes voici a ujourd'hui periscope ! vous devez s a voir que periscope comp a tibilite nous a vons mis à votre disposition periscope le 09 febru a ry 2016 implodeArryConc a t inform a tion intéress a nte comme l'ensemble des a pplic a tions ou logiciels proposés sur notre site periscope est certifié s a ns virus ou logiciels espions qui pourr a it endomm a ger votre iphone ip a d implodeArryConc a t periscope est téléch a rge a ble sur l a m a rketpl a ce d' a pple nous vous proposons un lien vers itunes Peris
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 19
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- Licence : iTunes
Utilitaire > Productivité > Periscope
AROW 1.0
you c a n inst a ntly resize position a rr a nge windows simply by dr a gging them to the edges of the screen implodeArryConc a t you c a n customize window buttons a ctions or keybo a rd shortcut for quick window m a n a gement implodeArryConc a t you c a n inst a ntly resize position a rr a nge windows simply by dr a gging them to the edges of you r screen implodeArryConc a t depending on where you dr a g a window you c a n m a ximize you r windows position them side by side t a ke up h a lf screen etc implodeArryConc a t you c a n set keybo a rd shortcuts to be more productive a nd customize the event when clicking on one of the top left buttons or lets you quickly resize a windows with the sm a rt grid p a nel implodeArryConc a t extremely e a sy to use
to a rr a nge a nd resize windows a ll you need to do is two steps: 1 implodeArryConc a t it’s a grid th a t lets you resize a nd move windows by dr a gging you r mouse a cross its segments you c a n a lso modify the segments in preferences implodeArryConc a t customize top left buttons
i know you often use the top left buttons to close minimize or exp a nd a window but do you know you c a n do even more ? with a row you c a n customize wh a t h a ppen when you click on on of those buttons for ex a mple you c a n exp a nd the window to left h a lf of you r screen by clicking on minimize buttons yellow one with the right click or you r mouse implodeArryConc a t to be more productive
besides the functions a bove you c a n be more productive implodeArryConc a t you c a n set keybo a rd shortcuts to a rr a nge... You c
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 55
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > AROW 1.0
EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
Split l a rge file into sm a ller files a nd merge them together when you need it implodeArryConc a t e a sysplitm a rge is a simple a pplic a tion th a t a llows you to split a l a rge file into sm a ller files th a t a re more m a n a ge a ble a nd merge them together when you need it implodeArryConc a t th a t a llows you to split a l a rge file into sm a ller files th a t a re more m a n a ge a ble a nd merge them together when you need it implodeArryConc a t if you h a ve a l a rge file th a t c a nnot be sent to a nother computer you c a n quickly a nd e a sily spilt this l a rge file into sever a l sm a ller files by using this softw a re implodeArryConc a t a fter which you c a n then use this softw a re to merge the splitted files b a ck a s the origin a l file implodeArryConc a t split a nd merge b a ck you r files on m a c os x implodeArryConc a t e a sysplitm a rge supports l a rge file with simple interf a ce a nd e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t a nd hence the files c a n be e a sily tr a nsferred to a nother computer implodeArryConc a t the a pplic a tion a utom a tic a lly splits the file a ccording to specified file size a nd number of pieces implodeArryConc a t it supports a ny file type a nd there a re no file form a t restrictions implodeArryConc a t file types supported include video a udio documents pdf a rchive files a pplic a tions spre a dsheets pictures a nd so on implodeArryConc a t a lso it supports r a pid immedi a te split a nd merge/restore files without w a iting implodeArryConc a t e a sysplitm a rge is a f a st a pp to split or join files Split
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 43
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1
If you w a nt to quickly split up l a rge mp3 files into sm a ller more m a n a ge a ble pieces a pplem a csoft mp3 splitter for m a c would be a h a nd y tool implodeArryConc a t mp3 splitter for m a c a lso a llows you to e a sily a dd effects including the a bility to f a de tr a cks in a nd f a de them out implodeArryConc a t with the built in mp3 pl a yer you c a n pre listen to e a ch section you w a nt to split before performing mp3 splitting implodeArryConc a t e a sily split a nd cut mp3 m4 a a a c files on m a c remove unw a nted sounds implodeArryConc a t such a n e a sy to use mp3 splitter a llows users to split cut or trim a mp3 file a nd s a ve results into new sep a r a te mp3 m4 a w a v a a c wm a etc files without reducing qu a lity implodeArryConc a t a pplem a csoft mp3 splitter for m a c is softw a re designed to m a ke it very e a sy to cut split a nd trim mp3 m4 a a nd a a c a udio files with a few simple clicks implodeArryConc a t e a sily split mp3 files b a sed on silence file size pieces count time or custom selections implodeArryConc a t cut out pieces of mp3 files remove unw a nted sounds in m a nu a l mode implodeArryConc a t a pplem a csoft mp3 splitter for m a c mp3 is the most popul a r file form a t for a udio files implodeArryConc a t a utom a tic a lly split files b a sed on silence file size pieces count time dur a tion or even a ssoci a ted cue file implodeArryConc a t cut out pieces of mp3 files remove unw a nted sounds in m a nu a l mode or use silence detection fe a ture to remove silences a utom a tic a lly without losing the qu a lity If yo
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 75
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1
Compact Flash Card Recovery
It a lso works with memory sticks sm a rtmedi a sd mmc sim c a rds xd c a rds a nd most other extern a l stor a ge devices implodeArryConc a t a ll you h a ve to do is select the digit a l medi a you w a nt to recover files from a nd let comp a ct fl a sh c a rd recovery do a full sc a n a nd you 're re a dy to go implodeArryConc a t recover photos video a nd other files from comp a ct fl a sh c a rd implodeArryConc a t comp a ct fl a sh c a rd recovery is a reli a ble digit a l medi a recovery tool th a t speci a lizes in recover photos im a ges video a nd a udio from cf c a rd used in digit a l c a mer a s a nd other stor a ge devices implodeArryConc a t comp a ct fl a sh c a rd recovery is a tool th a t speci a lizes in recover photos im a ges video a nd a udio from cf c a rd used in digit a l c a mer a s a nd other stor a ge devices implodeArryConc a t it c a n recover a ll types of im a ge files including r a w form a ts from c a non nikon sony fuji sigm a a nd so on implodeArryConc a t comp a ct fl a sh c a rd recovery is suit a ble for a wide r a nge of dis a ster scen a rios such a s a ccident a lly form a tted drives c a rd cf errors a nd gener a l memory c a rd corruption issues
comp a ct fl a sh c a rd recovery is a reli a ble digit a l medi a recovery tool th a t speci a lizes in recovering photos im a ges video a nd a udio from cf c a rd used in digit a l c a mer a s pd a 's a nd other stor a ge devices implodeArryConc a t it c a n recover a ll types of im a ge files including r a w form a ts from c a non nikon sony fuji olympus pent a x sigm a foveon kod a k minolt a a sio a nd so on implodeArryConc a t comp a ct fl a sh c a rd... It al
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 15
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > Compact Flash Card Recovery
CF Card Recovery for Mac
Restore lost deleted or corrupted photos pictures video from v a rious memory c a rds on m a c implodeArryConc a t cf c a rd recovery for m a c is a n e a sy to use a nd reli a ble recovery tool which offers you a n  efficient w a y to recovers lost or deleted photos videos a udio from comp a ctfl a sh c a rd on m a c os x you c a n a lso use the softw a re to recover lost files from other medi a such a s memory c a rds memory sticks digit a l c a mer a s usb fl a sh drive a nd others implodeArryConc a t you c a n a lso use the softw a re to recover lost files from other medi a such a s memory c a rds memory sticks digit a l c a mer a s usb fl a sh drive a nd others implodeArryConc a t cf c a rd recovery for m a c is a n e a sy to use a nd reli a ble recovery tool which offers you a n e a sy a nd efficient w a y to recovers lost or deleted photos videos a udio from you r comp a ctfl a sh c a rd on m a c os x even if you h a ve er a sed them reform a tted the c a rd or you r comp a ctfl a sh c a rd h a s become corrupted implodeArryConc a t supports photo recovery of high end r a w im a ge form a ts for a ll popul a r digit a l c a mer a s including nikon sony p a n a sonic c a non minolt a olympus a nd kod a k etc implodeArryConc a t further more sd c a rd recovery for m a c a lso includes c a rd reform a tting cre a te b a ckup im a ge for you r medi a a nd secure deletion fe a tures implodeArryConc a t recover photos videos music from from cf c a rd on m a c implodeArryConc a t supports r a w recovery for a ll popul a r digit a l c a mer a implodeArryConc a t preview photos before recovery implodeArryConc a t supports photo... Resto
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 130
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > CF Card Recovery for Mac
321Soft Flash Memory Recovery
321soft fl a sh memory recovery is the perfect d a t a recovery solution for a ll types of medi a including usb fl a sh drives memory c a rds a nd a ny other type of digit a l device th a t uses fl a sh memory! supports recover photo video documents text & more implodeArryConc a t 321soft fl a sh memory recovery is the perfect d a t a recovery solution for a ll types of medi a including usb drives memory c a rds cd's a nd dvd's a nd a lmost a ny other type of digit a l device th a t uses fl a sh memory implodeArryConc a t reg a rdless of whether you a ccident a lly deleted a photo or memory c a rd corruption even you r fl a sh drive got form a tted fl a sh memory recovery will be a ble to help you retrieve those files inst a ntly implodeArryConc a t the perfect d a t a recovery for usb fl a sh drives a nd memory c a rds implodeArryConc a t it c a n recover not only photo im a ges a nd video files but a lso office documents music spre a dsheets a rchives a nd other er a sed d a t a implodeArryConc a t 321soft fl a sh memory recovery is a no risk d a t a recovery a pplic a tion a nd will not write or m a ke ch a nges to the drive it is recovering from implodeArryConc a t throughout the recovery process it uses a re a d only mode to sc a n a nd find files in you r drives or devices implodeArryConc a t fl a sh memory recovery 5 is powered by 321soft which uses the most up to d a te a nd best d a t a recovery engine th a t is a v a il a ble on the m a rket tod a y! implodeArryConc a t the softw a re interf a ces a re consists of sever a l di a logs by step by step wiz a rds mode to guide the user go... 321so
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 26
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > 321Soft Flash Memory Recovery
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac
If you r files were lost unintention a lly deleted form a tted or corrupted by viruses 321soft usb fl a sh recovery c a n help you restore them quickly a nd a fford a bly implodeArryConc a t a lso you c a n cre a te im a ge of the a tt a ched stor a ge medi a so th a t you c a n restore you r precious photos a nd other files if the device gets d a m a ged/in a ccessible implodeArryConc a t the tri a l version of 321soft usb fl a sh recovery for m a c a llows you to sc a n a nd preview a ll recover a ble files before purch a se implodeArryConc a t recover deleted/lost photo video a nd files from from usb a nd memory c a rd implodeArryConc a t 321soft usb fl a sh recovery for m a c is developed to recover photo video a nd other files from usb drive fl a sh memory c a rd mobile phones a nd a ny type of stor a ge device implodeArryConc a t it supports recovery of r a w photo a nd hd video implodeArryConc a t 321soft usb fl a sh recovery for m a c is a n a dv a nced softw a re tool specific a lly developed for usb fl a sh drives a nd memory c a rd implodeArryConc a t it c a n recover photo video documents a nd other files from usb drive fl a sh memory c a rd memory sticks cd/dvd ipod mobile phones a nd virtu a lly a ny type of d a t a stor a ge device th a t work a s a remov a ble stor a ge implodeArryConc a t more over this softw a re supports recovery of high end r a w photo form a ts a nd hd video th a t a re gener a ted by profession a l digit a l c a mer a s like c a non nikon olympus sony pent a x fuji p a n a sonic etc implodeArryConc a t a nd a ll d a t a recovery oper a tions a re secure a s the softw a re does... If yo
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 504
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > 321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac