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Apeaksoft Free Online Audio Converter
It a lso h a s a lot of powerful a udio settings functions for ex a mple improve a udio qu a lity ch a nge a udio ch a nnels a nd a udio bit r a te a udio s a mple r a te etc implodeArryConc a t f a st conversion speed a nd super high qu a lity with a dv a nced technology a pe a ksoft free online a udio converter h a s a m a zing f a st converting speed the conversion process will be completed when you enjoy a song implodeArryConc a t convert video/ a udio files to a ny popul a r a udio form a t on line for free comp a red with gener a l a udio conversion tools a pe a ksoft free online a udio converter is proficient a t converting v a rious video/ a udio files to a udio form a ts a ccording to your need with f a st converting speed implodeArryConc a t it c a n a lso meet your dem a nd with powerful functio a pe a ksoft free online a udio converter is very e a sy a nd convenient to use implodeArryConc a t powerful settings function a nd tot a lly free with a pe a ksoft free online a udio converter you will h a ve no problem in improving the qu a lity of the output a udio files by ch a nging the a udio s a mpling r a te a udio bit r a te a udio ch a nnel implodeArryConc a t the most import a nt thing is it h a s the a bility to convert video/ a udio with zero qu a lity loss implodeArryConc a t support both windows a nd m a c no file size limit it is re a lly m a gic a l softw a re with no requirement on oper a tion system or browser implodeArryConc a t in a ddition it a lso could do the b a tch conversion a t one time beyond your im a gin a tion implodeArryConc a t it c a n convert video/ a udio files to w a v a c3 ... It al
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 6
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- Licence : Freeware
Multimedia > Audio > Apeaksoft Free Online Audio Converter
DJ Mixer Express for Mac
with dj mixer express mix & perform your music files a t a profession a l level a ny one c a n mix their music a nd video with progr a m's simple interf a ce in just minutes implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n e a sy to use dj mxing softw a re provides inst a nt bpm be a t m a tching a utom a tic mixing a utom a tic bpm detection completed mixes comp a tible with itunes live recording implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n e a sy to use dj softw a re with du a l pl a yer decks a utom a tic mixing a utom a tic tempo control inst a nt be a t m a tching crossf a ding se a mless looping a utom a tic bpm detection a utom a tic g a in m a ster tempo vinyl simul a tion a pply multiple effects support mix your music a nd videos from itunes implodeArryConc a t with dj mixer express a ny one c a n mix their music k a r a oke a nd videos with progr a m's simple interf a ce implodeArryConc a t the a pplic a tion fe a tures include du a l pl a yer decks visu a lize w a veforms a utom a tic a udio/video mixing a utom a tic bpm detection a utom a tic tempo control a nd one click be a t m a tching se a mless be a t a w a re loop a nd cue points crossf a ding sm a rt sync a utom a tic g a in m a ster tempo vinyl simul a tion keylock fx effects support mix your music video a nd k a r a oke a nd from itunes implodeArryConc a t a utom a tic be a t m a tching a nd dj mixing softw a re for m a c os x implodeArryConc a t a nd profession a l sound qu a lity implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n e a sy to use dj mixing softw a re th a t mix not only a udio tr a cks but a lso video or k a r a oke songs... With
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 563
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Express for Mac
DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
This softw a re will s a tisfy the expect a tions of profession a l djs who need a powerful a nd reli a ble dj tool implodeArryConc a t dj mixer pro includes a ll the profession a l fe a tures a re a l dj needs implodeArryConc a t best of a ll dj mixer profession a l h a s a n intuitive user interf a ce closely resembling a re a l world mixing bo a rd th a t m a kes it e a sy to set a nd s a ve multiple loops a nd cue points in a tr a ck implodeArryConc a t this version fe a turing four dj decks with profession a l gr a de mixer a nd pl a ylists implodeArryConc a t fully comp a tible with m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t such a s one click be a t m a tching video mixing a utom a tic tempo a nd be a t detection re a l time s a mpler se a mless a nd be a t loop function a lity vst effects vinyl simul a tion time stretching k a r a oke cdg+mp3 a nd/or zip support up to d a te midi a nd hid controllers support midi le a rn se a mless itunes integr a tion a nd much more implodeArryConc a t the complete m a c dj softw a re for mixing a udio video a nd k a r a oke implodeArryConc a t dj mixer profession a l for m a c is the le a ding edge dj softw a re for mixing a udio music video a nd k a r a oke implodeArryConc a t dj mixer profession a l for m a c is the le a ding edge a nd vers a tile dj/vj softw a re th a t a llowing you to cre a te complex music a nd video mixes on the fly implodeArryConc a t this softw a re h a s been developed m a inly for profession a ls to use a nd experiment a dv a nced dj techniques implodeArryConc a t whether you're mixing a udio music video or even k a r a oke files dj mixer 3 pro gives you full... This
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 426
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
PDF Merger Mac
Pdf merger m a c is a m a c os x a pplic a tion to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file implodeArryConc a t pdf merger m a c is a free m a c os x a pplic a tion th a t let you merge sever a l pdf documents into one single pdf file implodeArryConc a t occ a sion a lly before clicking the "st a rt now" button a user will re a lize they a dded the documents to the merge list in the wrong order implodeArryConc a t users merely click a filen a me a nd then click the "move up " or "move down" buttons to a djust a file's position in the list implodeArryConc a t or simply click on a file a nd while holding down on the mouse button dr a g it to its fresh position in the list implodeArryConc a t merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds
keep origin a l p a ge size orient a tion a nd form a tting
a llow users to a djust the pdf merging order
100% free
merging pdf files with the a pp is a n e a sy three step process implodeArryConc a t the merged pdf file will keep the origin a l form a tting p a ge size a nd p a ge orient a tion implodeArryConc a t pdf merger m a c a lso a llows you to a djust the pdf sequence by the up a nd down buttons which me a ns you c a n simply a dd your pdf documents a nd reorder the sequence l a ter even if those files a re in different folders implodeArryConc a t first click the convenient " a dd" button to select the pdf files to be merged vi a the m a c os x finder or just dr a g a nd drop the files into the pdf merger m a c a pp window implodeArryConc a t second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then a llows the selection of the drive... Pdf m
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 353
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF Merger Mac
MacX MediaTrans
This m a c file m a n a ger a lso empowers you to cre a te/delete/edit pl a ylists a nd to m a n a ge music tr a cks a lbums & genres in b a tch like a breeze implodeArryConc a t with cutting edge tech this iph one m a n a ger is a ble to tr a nsfer d a t a a t a speed of 20 meg a bits per second so even 100 4k photos c a n be tr a nsferred in 8 seconds!
working a s itunes a ltern a tive m a cx medi a tr a ns is the f a stest d a t a tr a nsfer to b a ckup your iph one ip a d files free up more stor a ge sp a ce before upd a ting to new ios or ch a nge to a new iph one implodeArryConc a t it a llows you import/export d a t a a t f a st speed with zero qu a lity loss implodeArryConc a t to mp4 to fit iph one ip a d with high qu a lity preserved implodeArryConc a t no more er a sing origin a l d a t a complic a ted oper a tion a wkw a rd one w a y sync process or strict form a t limit a tion implodeArryConc a t best w a y to tr a nsfer photo video & music between iph one ip a d ipod a nd m a c best d a t a m a n a ger to tr a nsfer video music tv show movie a nd photo between iph one a nd m a c implodeArryConc a t you c a n a lso use iph one a s usb drive for file b a ckup implodeArryConc a t work a s itunes a ltern a tive implodeArryConc a t m a cx medi a tr a ns is the best solution to tr a nsfer & b a ckup d a t a between iph one ip a d ipod a nd m a c implodeArryConc a t it not only m a n a ges a nd org a nizes the file on your device like video music photo movie tv show but a lso supports b a cking up pdf a pp dmg to iph one by using it a s usb drive implodeArryConc a t in a ddition this iph one tr a nsfer c a n a uto rot a te sidew a ys videos a nd... This
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 260
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > MacX MediaTrans
'Spain Radios Free: The Best Stations of Spain with News, Music
'sp a in r a dios free: the best st a tions of sp a in with news music a besoin de plus de sur votre esp a ce disque pour une inst a ll a tion optim a le implodeArryConc a t the best r a dios of sp a in in one pl a ce a nd with one touch ! if you implodeArryConc a t 'sp a in r a dios free: the best st a tions of sp a in with news music f a is p a rtie a vec de l a c a tégorie « utilit a ire » d’itunes implodeArryConc a t publié en fr a nç a is 'sp a in r a dios free: the best st a tions of sp a in with news music pourr a s a tisf a ire un public a ssez l a rge et v a rié implodeArryConc a t 'sp a in r a dios free: the best st a tions of sp a in with news music est proposé sur l a m a rketpl a ce d' a pple vous trouverez un lien direct vers itunes implodeArryConc a t in se a rch of the l a test news music or sports in sp a in? this a pp is your a nswer! implodeArryConc a t de plus notre site sélectionne les meilleures a pplic a tion de l' a ppstore peu de risque de retrouver un virus sur votre termin a l 'spai
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 1
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- Licence : iTunes
Utilitaire > Productivité > 'Spain Radios Free: The Best Stations of Spain with News, Music
'Ecuatorian Radios Free: The Best Stations of Ecuador with Music
a s a voir notre site sélectionne les meilleures a pplic a tion de l' a ppstore peu de risque de retrouver un virus sur votre termin a l implodeArryConc a t the best r a dios of ecu a dor in one pl a ce a nd with one touch ! if implodeArryConc a t qu a nd on recherche une a pplic a tion de type « utilit a ire » 'ecu a tori a n r a dios free: the best st a tions of ecu a dor with music n’est p a s l’ a pplic a tion de référence m a is se défend qu a nd même grâce à deux trois fonctionn a lités implodeArryConc a t nous a vons mis à votre disposition 'ecu a tori a n r a dios free: the best st a tions of ecu a dor with music le 05 febru a ry 2016 implodeArryConc a t a v a nt de téléch a rger 'ecu a tori a n r a dios free: the best st a tions of ecu a dor with music vous devez s a voir que l' a pplic a tion est cl a ssée utilit a ire implodeArryConc a t in se a rch of the l a test news music or sports in ecu a dor ? this a pp is your a nswer! A sav
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- Licence : iTunes
Utilitaire > Productivité > 'Ecuatorian Radios Free: The Best Stations of Ecuador with Music
Wicca Plus
This is a n upgr a ded book of sh a dows a nd light with more content a nd more fe a tures th a n my origin a l free liber umbr a rum et lux a pp implodeArryConc a t wicc a plus a été développé p a r et publié sur logicielm a c le 22 j a nu a ry 2016 implodeArryConc a t tr a dition a lly one of implodeArryConc a t wicc a plus f a is p a rtie a vec the world of richelle me a d de l a c a tégorie « utilit a ire » d’itunes implodeArryConc a t nous a vons mis à votre disposition wicc a plus le 22 j a nu a ry 2016 This
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- Licence : iTunes
Utilitaire > Productivité > Wicca Plus
AROW 1.0
a quick w a y to org a nize resize a nd position open windows on your m a c os x implodeArryConc a t a row is a quick w a y to org a nize open windows on your m a c os x implodeArryConc a t depending on where you dr a g a window you c a n m a ximize your windows position them side by side t a ke up h a lf screen etc implodeArryConc a t you c a n set keybo a rd shortcuts to be more productive a nd customize the event when clicking on one of the top left buttons or lets you quickly resize a windows with the sm a rt grid p a nel implodeArryConc a t dr a g the title b a r of a window to the edge of the screen when your mouse cursor re a ch the recognition a re a a n outline of the exp a nded window a ppe a rs implodeArryConc a t quickly resize a windows with sm a rt p a nel
single click on a window dr a g to m a rk the sn a p a re a s in the sm a rt p a nel your window will be resized a nd positi one d to the rel a tive p a rts of your screen implodeArryConc a t it’s a grid th a t lets you resize a nd move windows by dr a gging your mouse a cross its segments you c a n a lso modify the segments in preferences implodeArryConc a t customize top left buttons
i know you often use the top left buttons to close minimize or exp a nd a window but do you know you c a n do even more? with a row you c a n customize wh a t h a ppen when you click on on of those buttons for ex a mple you c a n exp a nd the window to left h a lf of your screen by clicking on minimize buttons yellow one with the right click or your mouse implodeArryConc a t it’s flexible a nd turns your mouse into... A qui
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 55
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > AROW 1.0
ViewPic for Mac
Quick im a ge viewer for m a c os x viewpic is a lightning f a st im a ge viewer you c a n simply dr a g a nd drop a im a ge folder or multiple im a ges to view them inst a ntly implodeArryConc a t it's a well designed im a ge viewer for m a c with f a ster speed less distr a ctions a nd better im a ge viewing experience implodeArryConc a t viewpic is a lightning f a st im a ge viewer you c a n quickly browse through a ll im a ges in a folder implodeArryConc a t * better im a ge viewing experience
viewpic fe a tures a ne a t a nd typic a l interf a ce a ll function a l button a re listed on top a nd thumbn a il a t the bottom both of them will hide a utom a tic a lly a nd show up when you need them implodeArryConc a t * view thous a nds of im a ges in a folder
still using preview to view im a ge one by one ? now you c a n dr a g multiple im a ges to viewpic or simply open a folder directly press b a ck a nd forw a rd to view a ll im a ges quickly a nd smoothly implodeArryConc a t * other useful fe a tures
if you w a nt to set a photo a s desktop w a llp a per simply click on set w a llp a per on menu b a r implodeArryConc a t * convenient viewing option
you c a n a lso a djust the im a ge for better viewing with options to flip horizont a l / vertic a l rot a te resize implodeArryConc a t a nd viewing im a ge conveniently with zoom in/out fit to screen 1:1 origin a l size etc implodeArryConc a t it's designed for improving your im a ge viewing experience on m a c os x implodeArryConc a t you c a n even view im a ge in chromeless mode so you c a n a void unnecess a ry distr a ction when viewing... Quick
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 334
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Imagerie > ViewPic for Mac
PDF Editor Mac
Pdf editor m a c is a os x free a pplic a tion th a t a llows users to a dd text insert im a ges put w a term a rks to l a bel their copyright ch a nging font size a nd color a nd perform other editings of a pdf document implodeArryConc a t pdf editor m a c is a free a pplic a tion on m a c os x th a t a llows users to a dd text insert im a ges put w a term a rks to l a bel their copyright ch a nging font size a nd color a nd perform other ch a nges of a pdf document implodeArryConc a t a t the s a me time you c a n a lso ch a nge the line thickness to get a l a rger or sm a ller er a ser implodeArryConc a t rot a te pdf
the a pplic a tion h a s a function of rot a ting pdf p a ges implodeArryConc a t a nd it a llows users to select a one time rot a tion for a ll p a ges or just rot a te the current one implodeArryConc a t dr a w lines on pdf
to a nnot a te on a pdf file you m a y need to dr a w some lines implodeArryConc a t with the pdf editor m a c you c a n e a sily fill in the v a rious pdf form files implodeArryConc a t pdf editor m a c lets users edit pdf document content on m a c os x implodeArryConc a t a fter a dding text a nd im a ges you c a n ch a nge the text font a nd color resize the im a ge height a nd width or move them a s well implodeArryConc a t if you need to delete some words or text from the pdf simply click on the er a ser tool then er a se implodeArryConc a t rot a ting cert a in p a ges a nd modifying document l a yout is a lso import a nt so a s multiple dr a wing tools like lines brushes horizont a l lines or vertic a l lines implodeArryConc a t better th a n norm a l pdf re a ders a nd... Pdf e
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 957
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF Editor Mac
321Soft Video Converter for Mac
It is definitely a best w a y for m a c users to enjoy the video on m a ny types of port a ble devices a s well a s directly convert video for editing on a dobe premiere sony veg a s ule a d videostudio pinn a cle studio imovie fin a l cut pro idvd fin a l cut express a nd etc implodeArryConc a t it converts a ll kinds of video a nd a udio form a ts with high definition a nd a m a zing speeds implodeArryConc a t simply connect your a vchd lite or a vchd c a mcorder to your m a c a nd choose the video on your c a mcorder – or dr a g a n a vchd video from finder with no lengthy conversions before use implodeArryConc a t free downlo a d a nd convert a nd edit your video right now! 100% comp a tible with m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t 321soft video converter is the a ll in one video a udio a nd hd video form a t conversion for m a c os x implodeArryConc a t convert hd video sd video a udio on m a c os x implodeArryConc a t convert hd video sd video a udio to pl a y on your m a c windows ipod iph one ip a d psp ps3 a pple tv xbox google ph one s ip a d 3 a nd other digit a l multimedi a devices implodeArryConc a t let you get excellent video experience on a ll pl a tforms from a pple m a c ip a d 3 iph one 4s to a ndroid ph one s or other digit a l medi a pl a yers implodeArryConc a t now it supports the conversion from hd video including a vchd hd wmv hd mpeg hd mp4 hd a vi hd mov tod mod m2ts a nd the new a vchd lite a nd so on implodeArryConc a t video conversion is not the only function 321soft video converter for m a c provides b a sic video editing... It is
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 491
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > 321Soft Video Converter for Mac
MacX Video Converter Free Edition
a bunch of video editing functions to person a lize video: trim crop merge a dd w a term a rk a dd subtitle implodeArryConc a t f a stest a nd e a siest tool to free convert video to m a c mp4 iph one ip a d a ndroid m a cx video converter free edition is the f a stest a nd e a siest video converter which is designed to convert between hd videos mkv m2ts a vchd a nd sd videos a vi mp4 mov flv etc on m a c with zero qu a lity loss implodeArryConc a t m a cx video converter free edition is the f a stest a nd e a siest video converter which is designed to convert between hd videos mkv m2ts a vchd a nd sd videos a vi mp4 mov flv etc on m a c with zero qu a lity loss implodeArryConc a t with this free m a c video converter you c a n extr a ct music from origin a l video to s a ve a s mp3 a c3 wm a etc implodeArryConc a t both the video converting speed a nd output video qu a lity a re brilli a nt with the help of the high qu a lity engine hyper thre a ding technology a nd multi core cpu use implodeArryConc a t once you get one desired movie scene you c a n t a ke sn a pshot a nd s a ve it a s png form a ts implodeArryConc a t moreover its str a ightforw a rd interf a ce a lso a llows you to e a sily convert a ny videos to mp4 mov files pl a y a ble on quicktime pl a yer a nd iph one ip a d ipod a ndroid microsoft devices etc implodeArryConc a t m a in fe a tures: 1 implodeArryConc a t support hd video encoding a nd decoding; it helps you convert a ll hd high definition videos for free such a s mkv a vchd m2ts h implodeArryConc a t 264/ a vc mod etc implodeArryConc a t 2... A bun
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 510
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- Licence : Freeware
Multimedia > Audio > MacX Video Converter Free Edition
DJ Mixer Express
with dj mixer express mix & perform your music files a t a profession a l level a ny one c a n mix their music with progr a m's simple interf a ce in just minutes implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n a fford a ble a nd e a sy to use dj softw a re provides inst a nt bpm be a t m a tching a utom a tic mixing a utom a tic bpm detection completed mixes comp a tible with itunes live recording implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n a fford a ble a nd e a sy to use dj softw a re with du a l pl a yer decks a utom a tic mixing a utom a tic bpm detection a utom a tic tempo control inst a nt be a t m a tching crossf a ding se a mless looping a utom a tic g a in m a ster tempo vinyl simul a tion multiple effects support mix your music from itunes implodeArryConc a t with dj mixer express a ny one c a n mix their music with progr a m's simple interf a ce in just minutes implodeArryConc a t the a pplic a tions fe a tures include du a l pl a yer decks a utom a tic mixing a utom a tic bpm detection a utom a tic tempo control a nd one click inst a nt be a t m a tching synchroniz a tion crossf a ding se a mless looping a utom a tic g a in m a ster tempo vinyl simul a tion multiple effects support mix your music from itunes implodeArryConc a t a utom a tic be a t m a tching a nd dj mixing softw a re for m a c os x implodeArryConc a t a nd profession a l sound qu a lity implodeArryConc a t support record your mixes implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n a fford a ble a nd e a sy to use dj softw a re to cre a te your own custom dj style music implodeArryConc a t you c a n e a sily define your own... With
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 250
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Express
AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac
B a tch gr a phic converter a nd resizer for m a c a pplem a csoft gr a phic converter for m a c a llows you to b a tch convert a nd resize thous a nds of gr a phic files on m a c os x with a few clicks implodeArryConc a t it supports more th a n 50 gr a phic form a ts a pplem a csoft gr a phic converter for m a c a llows you to e a sily convert multiple gr a phic files on m a c os x with a few clicks implodeArryConc a t it supports a v a riety of gr a phic form a ts which includes jpg gif tiff png bmp tg a psd pcx r a s ico cur r a w form a ts etc implodeArryConc a t a pplem a csoft gr a phic converter for m a c is the e a sy to use b a tch im a ge converter a nd photo resizer utility for m a c users a llowing you to convert hundreds of im a ges a t a time with just a few mouse clicks implodeArryConc a t a pplem a csoft m a c gr a phic converter is a lso a perfect utility for resizing im a ges a nd photos implodeArryConc a t a pplem a csoft gr a phic converter for m a c provides a simple user interf a ce th a t a llows you to convert a nd resize gr a phics in b a tch implodeArryConc a t gr a phic converter for m a c s a ves you time a s it a llows you to perform t a sks which usu a lly t a kes hours or d a ys in a couple of minutes implodeArryConc a t fully comp a tible with m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t the l a test version fully comp a tible with m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t process multiple gr a phics f a st a nd e a sily you c a n convert b a tches of different form a ts gr a phics to one type of im a ge in one time implodeArryConc a t wh a t's more you c a n b a tch resize thous a nds of gr a phics a nd photos... Batch
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 93
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac
IP Address Menu
You w a nt to displ a y your current ip a ddress in the menu b a r? you w a nt to displ a y your user n a me your computer n a me the ip a ddress the subnet m a sk a nd the m a c a ddress of e a ch of your network interf a ce a t the s a me time? you w a nt your m a c to a utom a tic a lly send a n em a il or uplo a d a file through ftp when one of your ip a ddresses ch a nges? then ip a ddress menu is wh a t you need! ip a ddress menu a llows you to displ a y your current ip a ddress a nd other inform a tion in the menu b a r a nd to notify you of ch a nges by em a il or ftp implodeArryConc a t it c a n displ a y your extern a l ip a ddress when connected to the internet through a router implodeArryConc a t it c a n a utom a tic a lly send a n em a il or uplo a d a file through ftp with a ll this inform a tion a nd the new ip a ddress when it detects th a t one of your ip a ddresses h a s ch a nged implodeArryConc a t displ a y your current ip a ddress a nd other inform a tion in the menu b a r a nd to notify you of ch a nges by em a il or ftp implodeArryConc a t ip a ddress menu a llows you to displ a y your current ip a ddress a nd other inform a tion in the menu b a r a nd to notify you of ch a nges by em a il or ftp implodeArryConc a t it displ a ys a n icon or your current ip a ddress in the right side of the menu b a r implodeArryConc a t it displ a ys your user n a me your computer n a me the ip a ddress the subnet m a sk a nd the m a c a ddress of e a ch of your network interf a ce in the menus implodeArryConc a t you c a n copy them to the clipbo a rd by selecting them implodeArryConc a t ... You w
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 97
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > IP Address Menu
Mac FoneLab iPhone Data Recovery
a iseesoft m a c f one l a b est le meilleur logiciel récupérer depuis l'iph one 13 inclus ip a d a ir ip a d mini 5 ip a d 4 ipod touch 5 etc implodeArryConc a t a iseesoft m a c f one l a b est le meilleur logiciel f a cile à utiliser qui peut a ider les utilis a teurs à récupérer et s a uveg a rder diverses données sur m a c depuis l'iph one iph one 13 inclus ip a d a ir ip a d mini 5 ip a d 4 ipod touch 5 etc implodeArryConc a t récupérer les données perdues ou supprimées des a pp a reils ios directement les données récupér a bles comprennent les cont a cts les mess a ges l'historique des a ppels le c a lendrier les notes les r a ppels les signets s a f a ri le roule a u d' a pp a reils photo l a photothèque le flux de photos les pièces jointes a ux mess a ges les mémos voc a ux les données wh a ts a pp les mess a ges et les photos kik/line/wech a t/qq etc implodeArryConc a t il vous permet ég a lement de mettre à nive a u ou de rétrogr a der l a version d'ios implodeArryConc a t s a uveg a rde et rest a ur a tion des données ios ce logiciel vous permet de s a uveg a rder vos données ios sur m a c et de rest a urer les fichiers de s a uveg a rde cont a cts et notes sur votre a pp a reil ios selon vos besoins implodeArryConc a t en outre il prend en ch a rge diverses données telles que les cont a cts les mess a ges l'historique des a ppels les données wh a ts a pp/kik/line/wech a t/qq le c a lendrier les notes l' a pp a reil photo et le flux de photos etc implodeArryConc a t récupérer les données des fichiers de s a uveg a rde itunes/icloud ce... Aisee
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 61
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- Licence : Logiciel Libre
Utilitaire > Sauvegarde > Mac FoneLab iPhone Data Recovery
Aiseesoft FoneEraser for Mac
Si vous voulez vous a ssurer qu'il n'y a a ucune tr a ce sur les a pp a reils ios vous pouvez utiliser le nive a u moyen implodeArryConc a t en dehors de l'interf a ce intuitive a iseesoft f one er a ser pour m a c prend en ch a rge divers a pp a reils ios pour eff a cer les données simult a nément comme l'iph one 13 pro m a x/13 pro/13/13 mini/12 pro m a x/12 pro/12/12 mini iph one 11 pro m a x/11 pro/11/xs/xr ip a d pro ip a d a ir ip a d mini ipod touch 7/6/5 etc implodeArryConc a t a iseesoft f one er a ser pour m a c est un produit d'eff a cement f a cile à utiliser a vec des opér a tions simples et une interf a ce intuitive implodeArryConc a t a vec lui vous pouvez supprimer le contenu textuel les ch a nsons les vidéos les documents et les p a r a mètres s a ns endomm a g choisissez librement le nive a u d'eff a cement en fonction de votre dem a nde implodeArryConc a t si vous devez vous a ssurer que les a pp a reils ios sont d a ns un ét a t des plus propres et des plus sûrs vous pouvez choisir le nive a u élevé qui endomm a ge et détruit les données à trois reprises implodeArryConc a t a vec le nive a u b a s vous pouvez eff a cer des données r a pidement pour a ccomplir votre dem a nde et libérer l'esp a ce de mémoire implodeArryConc a t prise en ch a rge de plusieurs a pp a reils ios implodeArryConc a t libérer de l'esp a ce mémoire sur les a pp a reils ios implodeArryConc a t eff a cez les différents contenus et p a r a mètres en profondeur implodeArryConc a t a iseesoft f one er a ser pour m a c peut vous a ider à eff a cer f a cilement divers contenus et p a r a mètres sur... Si vo
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 9
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- Licence : Logiciel Libre
Utilitaire > Sauvegarde > Aiseesoft FoneEraser for Mac
Apeaksoft iPhone Transfer for Mac
Il prend en ch a rge tous les a pp a reils ios port a bles y compris les ip a d pro ip a d mini 4 ipod touch etc implodeArryConc a t récupérer des sms / cont a cts / fichiers multimédi a s depuis une s a uveg a rde iph one iph one tr a nsfer for m a c permet a ux utilis a teurs de tr a nsférer très f a cilement de l a musique des vidéos des photos et d a pe a ksoft iph one tr a nsfer for m a c est c a p a ble de s a uveg a rder des mess a ges texte des cont a cts des im a ges de l a musique des vidéos des livres des pdf etc implodeArryConc a t entre un a pp a reil ios et un ordin a teur ou d'ios à itunes implodeArryConc a t x / 8/8 plus / 7/7 plus implodeArryConc a t fonctions clés: 1 implodeArryConc a t tr a nsferer les fichiers flexible a pe a ksoft iph one tr a nsfer est le logiciel de tr a nsfert de fichiers flexible implodeArryConc a t il ne tr a nsfère p a s de photo d'un téléph one à un ordin a teur m a is tr a nsfère ég a lement des cont a cts d'un iph one à un a utre implodeArryConc a t de plus il vous permet de synchroniser des mess a ges d'un iph one à un m a c et de copier directement un iph one sur ip a d ou itunes implodeArryConc a t 2 implodeArryConc a t bre a k itunes limits iph one tr a nsfer peut vous a ider à supprimer les restrictions c a usées p a r itunes telles que eff a cer les données lors de l a synchronis a tion tr a nsfert unidirectionnel limité copier toutes les données s a ns sélection diverses erreurs itunes a ucune f a çon de visu a liser les données etc implodeArryConc a t 3 implodeArryConc a t personn a lisez votre bibliotheque itunes... Il pr
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 5
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > Apeaksoft iPhone Transfer for Mac