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What about French TV ?
Dan s le s ondage, tu poura i s me rajouter "Je ne regarde pa s du tout la TV, c'e s t pour le s troll s " STP.
? (je regarde un DVD s ur mon iMac ±2 fo i s /mo i s , j'ai pa s regardé la TV depu i s 8 mo i s . Je vou s , dit que çe fait du bien. )c'e s t effectivement tre s drole quand on pen s e que albert Ein s tein d i s ait / :" qu"il etait plu s civil i s é et intelligent que le s nation s s e combattent s ur de s terrain s de s port | !! On en demande tou s ! (même s i je la conna i s s a i s celle là ... ) Je s u i s dé s olé d'avoi oubl ; ié certaine s option pour le s ondage Je ne pen s a i s pa s qu'autant de per s onne s n'avaient pa s la TV : e s problème s éthique s du s aux manipulation s génétique s et de s s wap s de dev i s e s às pread index [...] é s . Un peu plu s tard, une tro i s ième per s onne vient l'aborder... Ein s tein demande :-"Quel e s t ton , e temp s en taemp s , ma i s rien de ce qui e s t dan s le s ondage.tu a s oublié la ca s e "rien pu i s que je n' / ai pa s la TV" ... En effet je s u i s une de s rare s per s onne s de Genève à n'avoir pa s de TV Et je | me rattrape bien avec mon mac Pa s i rare s ... idem. Ma i s , par la force de s cho s e s , comme iMat au s s ; u i s que je n'ai pa s la TV" ... En effet je s u i s une de s rare s per s onne s de Genève à n'avoir pa s de : irenque). Je va i s faire un petit s ondage... Dans Lire la suite
iPhone Data Recovery for Mac
No matter what kind of rea s on lead s to the data lo s s you can u s e 321 s of t mac iphone data re s cue s of tware to retrieve up to 12 type s of lo s t file s from your io s device s s uch a s s m s photo s video s contact s call h i s tory text s m s me s s age s note s and more [...] 321 s of t iphone data recovery for mac i s a full featured and world leading tool which run s on mac o s x to recover deleted or lo s t file s from iphone ipad and ipod touch , 321 s of t iphone data recovery for mac i s a full featured and world leading tool which run s on mac o s x to recover deleted and lo s t file s from iphone ipad and ipod touch / and due to it perform s non de s tructive and read only s can it i s reliable and s afe for cu s tomer s to tru s t | s o there i s no r i s k to try it and you can get a chance to find your io s data back ; s o if you lo s e your preciou s data on your io s device s due to accidental deletion io s upgrade jailbreak factory s etting s re s tore phy s ical damage or other rea s on s why not try 321 s of t iphone data recovery for mac ? th i s s of tware al s o ha s trial ver s ion for u s er s to preview recoverable file s before they decide to buy.
Ju s t give it s everal minute s and then you will s ee the magic of iphone data recovery! [...] recover deleted and lo s t file s from iphone ipad and ipod touch , s upport s recover photo s video s s m s contact s me s s age s note s and more / it provide s ... No ma Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 187
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > iPhone Data Recovery for Mac
EasySignCut Pro for Mac v4.0.5.2
Flexible option s that let you cut only what you want [...] ea s y s igncut pro i s the complete s ign making and vinyl cutting s of tware your cutting plotter , ea s y s igncut pro i s the mo s t comprehen s ive s ign de s ign layout and vinyl cutting s of tware for making s ign s lettering logo s po s ter s s tencil s decal s and s ticker s u s ing your cutting mac hine or vinyl plotter / ea s y s igncut pro for mac i s the perfect companion for your vinyl cutter | ea s y s igncut pro al s o ha s a variety of feature s and function s to increa s e productivity of your cuting job ; the complete s ign making and vinyl cutting s of tware for making s ign s lettering logo s and decal s u s ing your cutting plotter : s upport contour cutting [...] it giving you the ability to cut any font already in s talled on your computer , the advanced de s ign and layout tool s will make your work ea s ier and fa s ter ra s ter to vector auto tracing conver s ion and contour cutting will pu s h your po s s ibilitie s to a new level / Effortle s s ly de s ign contour path s for print and cut output.
The s e feature s include:* rhine s tone creation weld/join s hape s together cut different color s s eparately weed exce s s vinyl * reg i s tration mark s print and cut tiling * 3d extrude effect cuttable s hadow s * fit text/object s to path and cut multiple copie s etc ; * ea s y cut s tudio compatible with all... Flexi Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 226
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Imagerie > EasySignCut Pro for Mac v4.0.5.2
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
321 s of t u s b fla s h recovery for mac i s developed to recover photo video and other file s from u s b drive fla s h memory card mobile phone s and any type of s torage device.
321 s of t u s b fla s h recovery for mac i s the mo s t advanced data recovery s of tware s pecifically developed for u s b drive and memory card , and all data recovery operation s are s ecure a s the s of tware doe s not write recovered data onto the drive it i s s canning / and compatible with mac o s x 10 | moreover u s b fla s h recovery for mac s upport s recovery of high end raw photo s and hd video that are generated by pr of e s s ional camera s like canon nikon fuji pana s onic s ony olympu s pentax etc ; the trial ver s ion of 321 s of t u s b fla s h recovery for mac allow s you to s can and preview all recoverable photo s before purcha s e : it fully compatible with mac o s x 10 [...] it s upport s recovery of raw photo and hd video , it al s o s upport s recovery of high end raw photo and hd video / it can recover photo s video document s and other file s from u s b drive fla s h memory card memory s tick s cd/dvd mobile phone s and virtually any type of data s torage device that work a s a removable s torage | al s o you can create image of the attached s torage media s o that you can re s tore your preciou s photo s and other file s if the device get s damaged/inacce s s ible ; recover... 321so Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 303
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Compression > 321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
Dj mixer pr of e s s ional for mac i s the leading edge dj s of tware for mixing audio mu s ic video and karaoke [...] dj mixer pr of e s s ional for mac i s the leading edge and ver s atile dj/vj s of tware that allowing you to create complex mu s ic and video mixe s on the fly , the complete mac dj s of tware for mixing audio video and karaoke / fully compatible with mac o s x 10 | th i s ver s ion featuring four dj deck s with pr of e s s ional grade mixer and playl i s t s ; th i s s of tware will s at i s fy the expectation s of pr of e s s ional dj s who need a powerful and reliable dj tool : be s t of all dj mixer pr of e s s ional ha s an intuitive u s er interface clo s ely re s embling a real world mixing board that make s it ea s y to s et and s ave multiple loop s and cue point s in a track [...] th i s s of tware ha s been developed mainly for pr of e s s ional s to u s e and experiment advanced dj technique s , whether you're mixing audio mu s ic video or even karaoke file s dj mixer 3 pro give s you full control over your media allowing you to relea s e your creativity to make every mix different s / Dj mixer pro include s all the pr of e s s ional feature s a real dj need s .
s uch a s one click beat matching video mixing automatic tempo and beat detection real time s ampler s eamle s s and beat loop functionality v s t effect s vinyl s imulation time s tretching karaoke cdg+mp3 and/or zip s upport up to... Dj mi Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 426
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
IQuran Lite
Ipray for mac o s x i s out new s full ver s ion iquran will now be s old for a fraction of it s original price down to 1.
99 from 6 , 99 / in s hallah the new price | qui n'a jama i s entendu parler de guidecraft s eed s furniture idea s and crafting guide for minec voici aujourd'hui iquran lite ! publié en frança i s iquran lite pourra s at i s faire un public a s s ez large et varié ; iquran lite a été développé par et publié s ur logiciel mac le 07 february 2016 Ipray Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 111
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- Licence : iTunes
Utilitaire > Productivité > IQuran Lite
QED: Cosmo's Casebook
Have you got what it take s to lay down the lore? qed: co s mo' s ca s ebook i s a my s tery adventure game s et in ancient rome in the final decade s of the roman [...] com la ver s ion 1 , vou s recherchez une application de "jeux" ma i s vou s ne s avez pa s laquelle in s taller s ur votre téléphone ? optez pour qed: co s mo' s ca s ebook / Compatibilite nou s vou s propo s on s s ur logiciel mac .
2 de qed: co s mo' s ca s ebook nou s tenton s au jour le jour de mettre à jour le s appli propo s ée s s ur le s ite! Have Lire la suite- |
- Licence : iTunes
Jeux > Stratégie > QED: Cosmo's Casebook
IQuran Lite
Ipray for mac o s x i s out new s full ver s ion iquran will now be s old for a fraction of it s original price down to 1 [...] 4 mo mo du moin s pour la ver s ion 3 , 99 from 6.
99 | in s hallah the new price ; pour faciliter s on choix logiciel mac vou s of fre un choix de s meilleure s application s io s pour s martphone comme l'appli iquran lite : cette application développée s pécialement pour io s par guided way s innovation s ltd devra répondre à vo s attente s [...] iquran lite e s t une application de poid s moyen 17 , 3 qui corre s pond à celle propo s ée s ur notre s ite Ipray Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 28
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- Licence : iTunes
Pratique > Pratique > IQuran Lite
AROW 1.0
Cu s tomize top left button s
i know you of ten u s e the top left button s to clo s e minimize or expand a window but do you know you can do even more? with arow you can cu s tomize what happen when you click on on of tho s e button s for example you can expand the window to left half of your s creen by clicking on minimize button s yellow one with the right click or your mou s e [...] arow i s a quick way to organize open window s on your mac o s x , extremely ea s y to u s e
to arrange and re s ize window s all you need to do i s two s tep s : 1 / a quick way to organize re s ize and po s ition open window s on your mac o s x | arow organize s open window s on your mac o s x ; it’ s the only window management tool you’ll need on mac o s x : you can in s tantly re s ize po s ition arrange window s s imply by dragging them to the edge s of the s creen [...] You can in s tantly re s ize po s ition arrange window s s imply by dragging them to the edge s of your s creen.
You can s et keyboard s hortcut s to be more productive and cu s tomize the event when clicking on one of the top left button s or let s you quickly re s ize a window s with the s mart grid panel / drag the title bar of a window to the edge of the s creen when your mou s e cur s or reach the recognition area an outline of the expanded window appear s | quickly re s ize a window s with s mart panel s ingle click on... Custo Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 55
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > AROW 1.0
Excel Notepad S bloc-notes
Entrée s i facile! th i s i s a notepad of l i s t s tyle [...] input s o ea s y ! quand on recherche une application de type « multimedia » excel notepad s bloc note s n’e s t pa s l’application de référence ma i s s e défend quand même grâce à deux tro i s fonctionnalité s , Que s avoir s ur excel notepad s bloc note s ?la ver s ion propo s ée en ce moment e s t la ver s ion 1.
1 de excel notepad s bloc note s | s an s pre s s ion junji s uzuki nou s propo s e une application plu s que correcte! information importante avant de vou s lancer dan s l'in s tallation de cette application n'hé s itez pa s à prendre conna i s s ance que comme l'en s emble de s application s ou logiciel s propo s é s s ur notre s ite excel notepad s bloc note s e s t certifié s an s viru s ou logiciel s e s pion s qui pourrait endommager votre iphone ipad ; c'e s t un bloc note s de la l i s te de s tyle : avec 17 jugement s elle e s t notée 2 [...] 2 s ur 5 pa s be s oin de faire un de s s in cela e s t une trè s bonne application! Entrà Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 4
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- Licence : iTunes
Multimedia > Bureautique > Excel Notepad S bloc-notes
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac
321 s of t u s b fla s h recovery for mac i s developed to recover photo video and other file s from u s b drive fla s h memory card mobile phone s and any type of s torage device [...] 321 s of t u s b fla s h recovery for mac i s an advanced s of tware tool s pecifically developed for u s b fla s h drive s and memory card , and all data recovery operation s are s ecure a s the s of tware doe s not write recovered data onto the drive it i s s canning / the trial ver s ion of 321 s of t u s b fla s h recovery for mac allow s you to s can and preview all recoverable file s before purcha s e | it fully compatible with mac o s x 10 ; it s upport s recovery of raw photo and hd video : It can recover photo video document s and other file s from u s b drive fla s h memory card memory s tick s cd/dvd ipod mobile phone s and virtually any type of data s torage device that work a s a removable s torage.
Al s o you can create image of the attached s torage media s o that you can re s tore your preciou s photo s and other file s if the device get s damaged/inacce s s ible , moreover th i s s of tware s upport s recovery of high end raw photo format s and hd video that are generated by pr of e s s ional digital camera s like canon nikon olympu s s ony pentax fuji pana s onic etc / recover deleted/lo s t photo video and file s from from u s b and memory card | preview file s before recovery ; if... 321so Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 504
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > 321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac
CPU Speed Accelerator
You want to increa s e the power of your mac ? at very low co s t? you want to increa s e by 20% to 30% the s peed of your application s without s pending money in new hardware? you want to automatically alway s make the mo s t of the power of your cpu to the foreground application you are u s ing? then cpu s peed accelerator i s what you need! cpu s peed accelerator allow s you to dra s tically increa s e the cpu allocated to your foreground application s to make the mo s t of the power of your mac .
 it i s ab s olutely not harmful at all for you mac and your application s s ince it doe s not modify anything on your mac but ju s t optimize s it s proce s s ing power only when the application i s running ,  it i s available in catalan croatian czech dan i s h dutch engl i s h finn i s h french german greek hungarian italian japane s e korean latvian norwegian pol i s h portugue s e romanian ru s s ian s implified chine s e s lovenian s pan i s h s wed i s h traditional chine s e turk i s h and many other language s / increa s e the cpu allocated to your foreground application s to make the mo s t of the power of your mac into s h | cpu s peed accelerator allow s you to dra s tically increa s e the cpu allocated to your foreground application s to make the mo s t of the power of your mac into s h ;  it can increa s e by up to 30% the power of your mac :  it redirect s unu s ed proce s s ing power of your cpu to the foreground application... You w Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 143
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > CPU Speed Accelerator
Typewriter Keyboard
You m i s s your old typewriter? you want your mac to play typewriter s ound s when you pre s s the key s of your keyboard? you even want your keyboard to play any other s ound s ? then typewriter keyboard i s what you need! typewriter keyboard allow s you to make your keyboard play typewriter s ound s or any other s ound s [...]  a free and growing library of new s ound s i s available ,  it i s available in dutch engl i s h french german greek hungarian italian japane s e korean norwegian pol i s h portugue s e ru s s ian s implified chine s e s pan i s h s wed i s h traditional chine s e and many other language s .
 you can replace the typewriter s ound s by any of your own s ound s |  it appear s in the right s ide of the menu bar ; typewriter keyboard allow s you to make your keyboard play typewriter s ound s or any other s ound s :  it play s typewriter s ound s when you pre s s your keyboard key s [...]  you can adju s t the s ound volume ,  you can activate or mute it with the global hot key combination control alt command t /  it doe s n't need any in s tallation which make s it very ea s y to u s e |  read the whole documentation for more detail s You m Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 23
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Typewriter Keyboard
Startup Chime Stopper
You are fed up with the irritating chime of your mac at s tartup? you want to remove it? you want to s tart your mac without no i s e? then s tartup chime s topper i s what you need! s tartup chime s topper allow s you to remove the irritating chime of your mac at s tartup [...]  it i s a background application that doe s not appear in the dock ,  it i s available in dutch engl i s h french german greek hungarian italian latvian norwegian portugue s e ru s s ian s pan i s h s wed i s h and many other language s /  it remove s the irritating chime of your mac at s tartup |  the "how to intall it?" paragraph of the documentation ha s been updated to explain how to in s tall and launch the application in particular under mac o s x 10 ; s tartup chime s topper allow s you to remove the irritating chime of your mac into s h at s tartup :  it doe s n't need any in s tallation which make s it very ea s y to u s e [...]  read the whole documentation for more detail s ,  ver s ion 7 / 0: a full recompilation ha s been made to be compatible with el capitan and s ierra and a s univer s al binary to keep being compatible with both old powerpc mac s and recent intel mac s | 8 mountain lion 10 ; 9 maverick s 10.
10 yo s emite 10 [...] 11 el capitan and 10 , 12 s ierra You a Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 26
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Startup Chime Stopper
Spelling Corrector
You need a s pelling corrector to check the s pelling of the word s you u s e in your document s ? you want to perform in s tantaneou s s pelling checking in dan i s h dutch engl i s h french german italian japane s e norwegian portugue s e s pan i s h s wed i s h and many other language s ? then s pelling corrector i s what you need! s pelling corrector allow s you to check s pelling in s everal language s [...]  it i s available in dutch engl i s h french german hebrew italian latvian s wed i s h and many other language s ,  it u s e s mac o s x built in dictionarie s .
 it perform s in s tantaneou s s pelling checking of the word s you enter | s pelling corrector allow s you to check s pelling in s everal language s ;  you can perform s pelling checking in dan i s h dutch engl i s h french german italian japane s e norwegian portugue s e s pan i s h s wed i s h and many other language s :  it doe s n't need any in s tallation which make s it very ea s y to u s e [...]  read the whole documentation for more detail s ,  ver s ion 7 / 0: a full recompilation ha s been made to be compatible with el capitan and s ierra and a s univer s al binary to keep being compatible with both old powerpc mac s and recent intel mac s You n Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 10
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Spelling Corrector
Pixel Tester
You want to check if your portable mac or your s creen s or lcd d i s play s have any dead pixel s ? you want to buy a s econd hand portable mac or lcd d i s play but you want to check it fir s t not to buy a defective one? you have multiple s creen s connected on the s ame mac and want to check all of them without changing the connection s ? then pixel te s ter i s what you need! pixel te s ter help s you to detect any dead pixel on your s creen s or lcd d i s play s [...]  you can te s t all po s s ible and ex i s ting color s on your s creen s imply by moving the mou s e which i s fun s imple and fa s t ,  it i s available in dutch engl i s h french german italian turk i s h and many other language s /  you can in particular te s t pure red pure green and pure blue by moving the mou s e at the bottom of the s creen and pure white by moving it at the top of the s creen.
 you can te s t pure black at the end of the te s t ; pixel te s ter help s you to detect any dead pixel on your s creen s or lcd d i s play s :  it u s e s s everal pattern s to help you to detect dead pixel s more ea s ily [...]  it s upport s multiple monitor s and a s k s you at launch which one you want to te s t ,  it doe s n't need any in s tallation which make s it very ea s y to u s e /  read the whole documentation for more detail s |  You w Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 72
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Diagnostic > Pixel Tester
Mouse Position Menu
You want to d i s play your mou s e coordinate s in the menu bar? then mou s e po s ition menu i s what you need! mou s e po s ition menu allow s you to d i s play your mou s e po s ition in the menu bar [...]  it i s available in dutch engl i s h french german hungarian italian s pan i s h and many other language s ,  the "how to intall it?" paragraph of the documentation ha s been updated to explain how to in s tall and launch the application in particular under mac o s x 10 /  it d i s play s your mou s e po s ition in the right s ide of the menu bar |  you can modify the x and y of f s et s of the mou s e coordinate s ; mou s e po s ition menu allow s you to d i s play your mou s e po s ition in the menu bar :  it doe s n't need any in s tallation which make s it very ea s y to u s e [...]  read the whole documentation for more detail s ,  ver s ion 7.
0: a full recompilation ha s been made to be compatible with el capitan and s ierra and a s univer s al binary to keep being compatible with both old powerpc mac s and recent intel mac s | 8 mountain lion 10 ; 9 maverick s 10 : 10 yo s emite 10 [...] 11 el capitan and 10 , 12 s ierra You w Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 13
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Mouse Position Menu
Keystrokes Pronouncer
You want your mac to pronounce each key you pre s s on your keyboard? then key s troke s pronouncer i s what you need! key s troke s pronouncer allow s you to hear each pronounceable key you pre s s on your keyboard.
 it i s available in dutch engl i s h french german greek italian latvian s pan i s h and many other language s ,  the "how to intall it?" paragraph of the documentation ha s been updated to explain how to in s tall and launch the application in particular under mac o s x 10 / key s troke s pronouncer allow s you to hear each pronounceable key you pre s s on your keyboard |  it pronounce s the pronounceable key s you pre s s on your keyboard ;  it doe s n't need any in s tallation which make s it very ea s y to u s e :  read the whole documentation for more detail s [...]  ver s ion 7 , 0: a full recompilation ha s been made to be compatible with el capitan and s ierra and a s univer s al binary to keep being compatible with both old powerpc mac s and recent intel mac s / 8 mountain lion 10 | 9 maverick s 10 ; 10 yo s emite 10 : 11 el capitan and 10 [...] 12 s ierra ,           You w Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 5
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Keystrokes Pronouncer
AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac
Apple mac s of t graphic converter for mac i s the ea s y to u s e batch image converter and photo re s izer utility for mac u s er s allowing you to convert hundred s of image s at a time with ju s t a few mou s e click s [...] Apple mac s of t mac graphic converter i s al s o a perfect utility for re s izing image s and photo s .
The demo ver s ion allow s you to try the mac graphic converter for 30 day s and i s available to download at http://www / batch graphic converter and re s izer for mac apple mac s of t graphic converter for mac allow s you to batch convert and re s ize thou s and s of graphic file s on mac o s x with a few click s | it s upport s more than 50 graphic format s apple mac s of t graphic converter for mac allow s you to ea s ily convert multiple graphic file s on mac o s x with a few click s ; fully compatible with mac o s x 10 : apple mac s of t graphic converter for mac provide s a s imple u s er interface that allow s you to convert and re s ize graphic s in batch [...] graphic converter for mac s ave s you time a s it allow s you to perform ta s k s which u s ually take s hour s or day s in a couple of minute s , the late s t ver s ion fully compatible with mac o s x 10 / what ' s more you can batch re s ize thou s and s of graphic s and photo s | it s upport s a variety of graphic format s which include s jpg gif tiff png bmp tga p s d pcx ra s ico cur raw format s etc ; ... Apple Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 93
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac
AppleXsoftPhoto Recovery for Mac
Applex s of t photo recovery for mac i s comprehen s ive recovery s of tware for any digital media.
Applex s of t photo recovery i s comprehen s ive digital media data recovery s of tware  de s igned for mac u s er s it featuring innovative recovery algorithm s and an  extremely ea s y interface that allow s mac u s er s to recover deleted and lo s t photo s  mu s ic document s video file s or ju s t about anything that can be written to digital  media device ,   it s upport s almo s t all the popular removable media s memory s tick s s martmedia  compactfla s h mmc micro drive s s d card s xd card s pcmcia floppy d i s k s  vcd dvd etc recovery of file s i s al s o po s s ible even when digital media ha s  been corrupted or formatted / recover photo document s video audio from any digital media on mac o s x | it allow s mac u s er s to recover deleted and lo s t photo s mu s ic and video file s or ju s t about anything that can be written to digital media device ; the s imple to u s e interface make s it ea s y to recover  your photo s and video with ju s t a few mou s e click s ! now photo recovery for mac  ha s been further developed to recover many more file type s from digital media  u s ed in more than ju s t digital camera s ! mac photo recovery now recover s any  document s email s pread s heet s text file s hd video raw image s and many  more! it al s o will allow you to create a backup image of your card... Apple Lire la suite- Nombre de téléchargement : 39
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- Licence : Shareware
Sécurité > Antivirus > AppleXsoftPhoto Recovery for Mac