Télécharger Recyclage de l or gratuit
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Recyclage de produits Apple
l e programme de recyc l age de produits app l e permet dés or mais grâce à dataserv spécia l iste de matérie l inf or matique reconditionné de proposer de rendre votre iphone ipad ipod ou mac à app l e moyennant quoi vous recevrez un virement sur votre compte bancaire se l on l 'état de l 'apparei l imp l odeArryConcat "
app l e recyc l age en france et en suisse imp l odeArryConcat "app l e recyc l e de manière responsab l e
l or sque vous recyc l ez auprès d'app l e votre ancien apparei l est démonté et l es composants c l és pouvant être réuti l isés sont récupérés imp l odeArryConcat l e verre et l e méta l peuvent être traités et réuti l isés dans de nouveaux produits imp l odeArryConcat l a p l upart des matières p l astiques peuvent être transf or mées en matière secondaire brute sous f or me de granu l és imp l odeArryConcat grâce au retraitement des matériaux et à l a réuti l isation des composants app l e parvient souvent à atteindre un taux de récupération de 90 % par rapp or t au poids du produit d' or igine Le pr
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Actualités > Recyclage de produits Apple
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Recyclage des produits Informatiques et électroménagers
Un décret adopté mercredi rend ob l igatoires l a co l l ecte et l e traitement des déchets inf or matiques et é l ectroménagers imp l odeArryConcat l es constructeurs assumeront l a p l us grande partie du coût m or e imp l odeArryConcat source l ci Un d
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Actualités > Recyclage des produits Informatiques et électroménagers
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recyclage (ou réparation) vieux macbook blanc
Super. Merci pour tes réponses.exactementCa me donnerai l 'équiva l ent d'un disque dur externe?Le do imp l odeArryConcat ck est un boitier dans l eque l on met un DD interne pour qu'i l ait à l a fois une a l imentation et une imp l odeArryConcat interface de l iaison avec l e PC (USB, Firewire etc)merci. Pour l a réparation, en effet, pas grave imp l odeArryConcat , ce sera l e prétexte à acheter un nouveau p or tab l e.
P l acer l e DD dans un dock? c'est quoi, un do imp l odeArryConcat ck?Bonjour, à part récupérer l e disque dur et l e p l acer dans un dock, l e reste est inuti l isab l e s imp l odeArryConcat ur une autre machine. Quant à l a réparation de ton mac book je pense que c'est vraiment très a l é imp l odeArryConcat atoire.Bonjour.
Mon vieux macbook viens de rendre l 'âme après des années de bons services ( l es a imp l odeArryConcat nciens macbook b l ancs, acheté i l y a 6 ou 7 ans).
i l marchait à peu près bien (d'un point de vue imp l odeArryConcat mécanique car, par contre, i l chauffait à m or t dès que j'uti l isais une app l i un peu gourmande et imp l odeArryConcat enti l o, i l ne fonctionne p l us (on peut l 'a l l umer, l e DD tourne, mais l e c l avier ne semb l e pas répon imp l odeArryConcat dre et l 'écran est noir).
Bref, à part si vous avez une idée de ce qui peut causer un souci (au imp l odeArryConcat que l cas je p suis preneur) à ma viei l l e bécane, je vais me racheter un macbook pro. Je ne sais imp l odeArryConcat pas enc or e que l modè l e. Pensez-vous que je... Super
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Apeaksoft Free Online Audio Converter
You cou l d extract audio you want from video or just convert audio to audio imp l odeArryConcat supp or t both windows and mac no fi l e size l imit it is rea l l y magica l software with no requirement on operation system or browser imp l odeArryConcat convert video/audio fi l es to any popu l ar audio f or mat on l ine f or free compared with genera l audio conversion too l s apeaksoft free on l ine audio converter is proficient at converting various video/audio fi l es to audio f or mats acc or ding to your need with fast converting speed imp l odeArryConcat it can a l so meet your demand with powerfu l functio apeaksoft free on l ine audio converter is very easy and convenient to use imp l odeArryConcat it can convert video/audio fi l es to wav ac3 aiff f l ac and so on imp l odeArryConcat it a l so has a l ot of powerfu l audio settings functions f or examp l e improve audio qua l ity change audio channe l s and audio bit rate audio samp l e rate etc imp l odeArryConcat and after conversion you wi l l get high qua l ity of the converted audio fi l es imp l odeArryConcat key functions 1 imp l odeArryConcat convert any video/audio to other audio f or mats this software cou l d convert video/audio fi l es to audio f or mats such as mp3 wma aac wav ac3 aiff etc imp l odeArryConcat in addition it a l so cou l d do the batch conversion at one time beyond your imagination imp l odeArryConcat 2 imp l odeArryConcat powerfu l settings function and tota l l y free with apeaksoft free on l ine audio converter you wi l l have no prob l em in improving the... You c
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 6
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- Licence : Freeware
Multimedia > Audio > Apeaksoft Free Online Audio Converter
EasySignCut Pro for Mac v4.0.5.2
Easysigncut pro is the most comprehensive sign design l ayout and viny l cutting software f or making signs l ettering l ogos posters stenci l s deca l s and stickers using your cutting machine or viny l p l otter imp l odeArryConcat easysigncut pro is the comp l ete sign making and viny l cutting software your cutting p l otter imp l odeArryConcat the comp l ete sign making and viny l cutting software f or making signs l ettering l ogos and deca l s using your cutting p l otter imp l odeArryConcat supp or t contour cutting imp l odeArryConcat it giving you the abi l ity to cut any font a l ready insta l l ed on your computer imp l odeArryConcat the advanced design and l ayout too l s wi l l make your w or k easier and faster raster to vect or auto tracing conversion and contour cutting wi l l push your possibi l ities to a new l eve l imp l odeArryConcat eff or t l ess l y design contour paths f or print and cut output imp l odeArryConcat easysigncut pro a l so has a variety of features and functions to increase productivity of your cuting job imp l odeArryConcat these features inc l ude:* rhinestone creation we l d/join shapes together cut different co l or s separate l y weed excess viny l * registration marks print and cut ti l ing * 3d extrude effect cuttab l e shadows * fit text/objects to path and cut mu l tip l e copies etc imp l odeArryConcat * easy cut studio compatib l e with a l l popu l ar cutting p l otters/viny l cutters inc l uding graphtec ro l and mutoh summa io l ine saga craftwe l l ecraft si l houette sd/cameo/p or trait craft... Easys
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 227
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Imagerie > EasySignCut Pro for Mac v4.0.5.2
DJ Mixer Express for Mac
Dj mixer express f or mac is an easy to use dj mixing software that mix not on l y audio tracks but a l so video or karaoke songs imp l odeArryConcat dj mixer express f or mac is used to p l ay l ive in c l ubs and big stadiums at weddings private parties or just at home imp l odeArryConcat automatic beat matching and dj mixing software f or mac os x imp l odeArryConcat dj mixer express f or mac is an easy to use dj mxing software provides instant bpm beat matching automatic mixing automatic bpm detection comp l eted mixes compatib l e with itunes l ive rec or ding imp l odeArryConcat and professiona l sound qua l ity imp l odeArryConcat the app l ication features inc l ude dua l p l ayer decks visua l ize wavef or ms automatic audio/video mixing automatic bpm detection automatic tempo contro l and one c l ick beat matching seam l ess beat aware l oop and cue points crossfading smart sync automatic gain master tempo viny l simu l ation key l ock fx effects supp or t mix your music video and karaoke and from itunes imp l odeArryConcat supp or t rec or d your mixes f or burn them to cds imp l odeArryConcat with dj mixer express mix & perf or m your music fi l es at a professiona l l eve l anyone can mix their music and video with program's simp l e interface in just minutes imp l odeArryConcat dj mixer express f or mac is an easy to use dj software with dua l p l ayer decks automatic mixing automatic tempo contro l instant beat matching crossfading seam l ess l ooping automatic bpm detection automatic gain master tempo viny l ... Dj mi
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 563
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Express for Mac
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
If your fi l es were l ost de l eted f or matted or c or rupted 321soft usb f l ash recovery can he l p you rest or e them quick l y and safe l y imp l odeArryConcat 6 or l ater imp l odeArryConcat if your fi l es were l ost unintentiona l l y de l eted f or matted or c or rupted by viruses imp l odeArryConcat 6 or higher inc l uding new macos sierra 10 imp l odeArryConcat recover de l eted/ l ost photo video and fi l es from from usb and mem or y card imp l odeArryConcat 321soft usb f l ash recovery f or mac is deve l oped to recover photo video and other fi l es from usb drive f l ash mem or y card mobi l e phones and any type of st or age device imp l odeArryConcat it supp or ts recovery of raw photo and hd video imp l odeArryConcat preview fi l es bef or e recovery imp l odeArryConcat it a l so supp or ts recovery of high end raw photo and hd video imp l odeArryConcat supp or t scan and preview recoverab l e fi l es imp l odeArryConcat and compatib l e with mac os x 10 imp l odeArryConcat 321soft usb f l ash recovery f or mac is the most advanced data recovery software specifica l l y deve l oped f or usb drive and mem or y card imp l odeArryConcat it can recover photos video documents and other fi l es from usb drive f l ash mem or y card mem or y sticks cd/dvd mobi l e phones and virtua l l y any type of data st or age device that w or k as a removab l e st or age imp l odeArryConcat 321soft usb f l ash recovery can he l p you rest or e them quick l y with a jew c l icks imp l odeArryConcat a l so you can create image of the attached st or age media so that you can rest or e your precious photos... If yo
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 303
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Compression > 321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
Whether you're mixing audio music video or even karaoke fi l es dj mixer 3 pro gives you fu l l contro l over your media a l l owing you to re l ease your creativity to make every mix differents imp l odeArryConcat the comp l ete mac dj software f or mixing audio video and karaoke imp l odeArryConcat dj mixer professiona l f or mac is the l eading edge dj software f or mixing audio music video and karaoke imp l odeArryConcat this software wi l l satisfy the expectations of professiona l djs who need a powerfu l and re l iab l e dj too l imp l odeArryConcat dj mixer professiona l f or mac is the l eading edge and versati l e dj/vj software that a l l owing you to create comp l ex music and video mixes on the f l y imp l odeArryConcat this version featuring four dj decks with professiona l grade mixer and p l ay l ists imp l odeArryConcat this software has been deve l oped main l y f or professiona l s to use and experiment advanced dj techniques imp l odeArryConcat dj mixer pro inc l udes a l l the professiona l features a rea l dj needs imp l odeArryConcat such as one c l ick beat matching video mixing automatic tempo and beat detection rea l time samp l er seam l ess and beat l oop functiona l ity vst effects viny l simu l ation time stretching karaoke cdg+mp3 and/ or zip supp or t up to date midi and hid contro l l ers supp or t midi l earn seam l ess itunes integration and much m or e imp l odeArryConcat best of a l l dj mixer professiona l has an intuitive user interface c l ose l y resemb l ing a rea l w or l d mixing board that makes it easy to set and save... Wheth
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 426
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
PDF Merger Mac
First c l ick the convenient "add" button to se l ect the pdf fi l es to be merged via the mac os x finder or just drag and drop the fi l es into the pdf merger mac app window imp l odeArryConcat users mere l y c l ick a fi l ename and then c l ick the "move up " or "move down" buttons to adjust a fi l e's position in the l ist imp l odeArryConcat or simp l y c l ick on a fi l e and whi l e ho l ding down on the mouse button drag it to its fresh position in the l ist imp l odeArryConcat pdf merger mac is a mac os x app l ication to merge pdf docs to a sing l e pdf fi l e imp l odeArryConcat pdf merger mac is a free mac os x app l ication that l et you merge severa l pdf documents into one sing l e pdf fi l e imp l odeArryConcat the merged pdf fi l e wi l l keep the or igina l f or matting page size and page or ientation imp l odeArryConcat pdf merger mac a l so a l l ows you to adjust the pdf sequence by the up and down buttons which means you can simp l y add your pdf documents and re or der the sequence l ater even if those fi l es are in different fo l ders imp l odeArryConcat merge 1 000+ pdf fi l es in few seconds
keep or igina l page size or ientation and f or matting
a l l ow users to adjust the pdf merging or der
100% free
merging pdf fi l es with the app is an easy three step process imp l odeArryConcat second c l ick the "combine pdfs to" button which then a l l ows the se l ection of the drive l ocation and fi l ename of the merged pdf document imp l odeArryConcat the third and fina l step consists of simp l y c l icking the "start now" button to start the... First
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 353
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF Merger Mac
MacX MediaTrans
With cutting edge tech this iphone manager is ab l e to transfer data at a speed of 20 megabits per second so even 100 4k photos can be transferred in 8 seconds!
w or king as itunes a l ternative macx mediatrans is the fastest data transfer to backup your iphone ipad fi l es free up m or e st or age space bef or e updating to new ios or change to a new iphone imp l odeArryConcat no m or e erasing or igina l data comp l icated operation awkward one way sync process or strict f or mat l imitation imp l odeArryConcat free l y transfer video hd movie tv show and home video to ipad iphone from mac or mac to idevice imp l odeArryConcat backup fi l es at w or l d’s fastest transferring speed without qua l ity l oss or data l oss imp l odeArryConcat best way to transfer photo video & music between iphone ipad ipod and mac best data manager to transfer video music tv show movie and photo between iphone and mac imp l odeArryConcat it a l l ows you imp or t/exp or t data at fast speed with zero qua l ity l oss imp l odeArryConcat you can a l so use iphone as usb drive f or fi l e backup imp l odeArryConcat w or k as itunes a l ternative imp l odeArryConcat macx mediatrans is the best so l ution to transfer & backup data between iphone ipad ipod and mac imp l odeArryConcat it not on l y manages and or ganizes the fi l e on your device l ike video music photo movie tv show but a l so supp or ts backing up pdf app dmg to iphone by using it as usb drive imp l odeArryConcat this mac fi l e manager a l so empowers you to create/de l ete/edit p l ay l ists and... With
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 260
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > MacX MediaTrans
JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
Jpg to pdf converter f or mac creates pdf documents fromjpg tif png bmp or gif fi l es that you se l ect imp l odeArryConcat if you want to change the page sequence simp l y c l ick the move up or move down buttons or drag the image path and drop to the c or rect row imp l odeArryConcat make contract easi l y
with jpg to pdf converter f or mac you can make pdf contract from photos or scanned images imp l odeArryConcat convert jpg and oither image f or mats to pdf document on mac os imp l odeArryConcat simp l y drag and drop your images and photos onto the app l ication and c l ick convert now button to start the task imp l odeArryConcat jpg to pdf converter f or mac creates pdf documents from image fi l es that you se l ect imp l odeArryConcat with jpg to pdf converter f or mac you can easi l y produce pdf ebooks from image materia l s and create pdf contract from scanned images & photos imp l odeArryConcat f or mats supp or ted: jpg jpeg tiff tif bmp png gif imp l odeArryConcat note: this app l ication can convert sing l e page tiff f or mat images to pdf documents but cannot convert the mu l ti page tiff image to pdf f or mat imp l odeArryConcat features & benefits
easy to use
simp l y drag and drop images and c l ick convert now button to start the conversion imp l odeArryConcat fast conversion
the converter converts hundreds of images to pdf documents in few seconds imp l odeArryConcat image f or mats
the app l ication supp or ts most popu l ar image f or mats l ike jpg tiff bmp png and gif imp l odeArryConcat Jpg t
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 76
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
PDF To JPG Converter for Mac
Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif f or mats on mac os x pdf to jpg converter f or mac is a mac app l ication that fast converts pdf documents to image fi l es l ike jpg png bmp gif or tiff imp l odeArryConcat the program a l so l et users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get l arge or sma l l size images imp l odeArryConcat df to jpg converter f or mac is a mac app l ication that fast converts pdf documents to image fi l es l ike jpg png bmp gif or tiff imp l odeArryConcat the program a l so l et users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get l arge high qua l ity images or sma l l thumbnai l s imp l odeArryConcat benefits
high qua l ity image output
convert pdf fi l es to l arge and high qua l ity images f or big margin printing or commercia l use imp l odeArryConcat when users want to convert severa l pdf fi l es in bu l k there is a fo l der creation function can convert each pdf fi l e to each new fo l der named as the pdf fi l ename imp l odeArryConcat output image f or mats: jpg jpeg tiff tif bmp png gif imp l odeArryConcat
protected pdf conversion:pdf to jpg converter f or mac can smooth l y convert owner passw or d protected pdf restricted pdf fi l es you can read but cannot print and copy text from imp l odeArryConcat however the program cannot convert user passw or d protected pdf fi l es which you cannot read without a passw or d imp l odeArryConcat make thumbnai l s
convert pdf pages to sma l l images and thumbnai l s easi l y by set a l ower dpi imp l odeArryConcat supp or t... Conve
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 141
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF To JPG Converter for Mac
PDF Password Remover Mac
Pdf passw or d remover mac is a mac os x app l ication that removes pdf owner passw or d and pdf restriction or l imitation imp l odeArryConcat remove pdf owner passw or d and pdf restriction on mac os x imp l odeArryConcat users on l y need to drag the l ocked pdf onto the pdf passw or d remover window and then the app l ication wi l l start immediate l y imp l odeArryConcat what can you do after removing pdf passw or d
copy the content from pdf
after removing pdf passw or d you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want imp l odeArryConcat convert the pdf document to other f or mats
the restricted pdf document can not be converted imp l odeArryConcat after pdf passw or d remover processing the pdf fi l e can be converted and exp or ted to ms w or d exce l image and other editab l e f or mats by other pdf converters imp l odeArryConcat print the pdf
bef or e removing the passw or d from the protected pdf users doesn't have the auth or ity to print the pdf imp l odeArryConcat once removed the passw or d and restrictions the pdf fi l e can be printed very we l l as a n or ma l document imp l odeArryConcat now just down l oad the pdf passw or d remover mac to remove a l l restrictions from your pdf! Pdf p
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 178
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF Password Remover Mac
AROW 1.0
You can customize window buttons actions or keyboard sh or tcut f or quick window management imp l odeArryConcat you can set keyboard sh or tcuts to be m or e productive and customize the event when c l icking on one of the top l eft buttons or l ets you quick l y resize a windows with the smart grid pane l imp l odeArryConcat customize top l eft buttons
i know you often use the top l eft buttons to c l ose minimize or expand a window but do you know you can do even m or e? with arow you can customize what happen when you c l ick on on of those buttons f or examp l e you can expand the window to l eft ha l f of your screen by c l icking on minimize buttons ye l l ow one with the right c l ick or your mouse imp l odeArryConcat a quick way to or ganize resize and position open windows on your mac os x imp l odeArryConcat arow or ganizes open windows on your mac os x imp l odeArryConcat you can instant l y resize position arrange windows simp l y by dragging them to the edges of the screen imp l odeArryConcat arow is a quick way to or ganize open windows on your mac os x imp l odeArryConcat you can instant l y resize position arrange windows simp l y by dragging them to the edges of your screen imp l odeArryConcat depending on where you drag a window you can maximize your windows position them side by side take up ha l f screen etc imp l odeArryConcat arow makes reading or ganizing and comparing windows so easy imp l odeArryConcat extreme l y easy to use
to arrange and resize windows a l l you need to do is two steps: 1... You c
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 55
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > AROW 1.0
ViewPic for Mac
Quick image viewer f or mac os x viewpic is a l ightning fast image viewer you can simp l y drag and drop a image fo l der or mu l tip l e images to view them instant l y imp l odeArryConcat * view thousands of images in a fo l der
sti l l using preview to view image one by one? now you can drag mu l tip l e images to viewpic or simp l y open a fo l der direct l y press back and f or ward to view a l l images quick l y and smooth l y imp l odeArryConcat it's a we l l designed image viewer f or mac with faster speed l ess distractions and better image viewing experience imp l odeArryConcat viewpic is a l ightning fast image viewer you can quick l y browse through a l l images in a fo l der imp l odeArryConcat it's designed f or improving your image viewing experience on mac os x imp l odeArryConcat * better image viewing experience
viewpic features a neat and typica l interface a l l functiona l button are l isted on top and thumbnai l at the bottom both of them wi l l hide automatica l l y and show up when you need them imp l odeArryConcat you can even view image in chrome l ess mode so you can avoid unnecessary distraction when viewing images imp l odeArryConcat * super fast viewing
disp l ay your photos inc l uding the l arge image fi l es in fast speed and l oss l ess qua l ity imp l odeArryConcat view your images in rea l time since you never have to imp or t them into l ibrary first imp l odeArryConcat * convenient viewing option
you can a l so adjust the image f or better viewing with options to f l ip h or izonta l / vertica l rotate resize... Quick
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 335
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Imagerie > ViewPic for Mac
EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
Easysp l itmarge is a fast app to sp l it or join fi l es imp l odeArryConcat sp l it l arge fi l e into sma l l er fi l es and merge them together when you need it imp l odeArryConcat easysp l itmarge is a simp l e app l ication that a l l ows you to sp l it a l arge fi l e into sma l l er fi l es that are m or e manageab l e and merge them together when you need it imp l odeArryConcat sp l it and merge back your fi l es on mac os x imp l odeArryConcat easysp l itmarge supp or ts l arge fi l e with simp l e interface and easy to use imp l odeArryConcat that a l l ows you to sp l it a l arge fi l e into sma l l er fi l es that are m or e manageab l e and merge them together when you need it imp l odeArryConcat if you have a l arge fi l e that cannot be sent to another computer you can quick l y and easi l y spi l t this l arge fi l e into severa l sma l l er fi l es by using this software imp l odeArryConcat and hence the fi l es can be easi l y transferred to another computer imp l odeArryConcat after which you can then use this software to merge the sp l itted fi l es back as the or igina l fi l e imp l odeArryConcat the app l ication automatica l l y sp l its the fi l e acc or ding to specified fi l e size and number of pieces imp l odeArryConcat it supp or ts any fi l e type and there are no fi l e f or mat restrictions imp l odeArryConcat fi l e types supp or ted inc l ude video audio documents pdf archive fi l es app l ications spreadsheets pictures and so on imp l odeArryConcat a l so it supp or ts rapid immediate sp l it and merge/rest or e fi l es without waiting Easys
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 43
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
AudioBook Converter for Mac
Audiobook converter enab l es you to convert both drm protected and unprotected audio books to unprotected to unprotected mp3 or aac fi l es with cd qua l ity at 16x faster speed! audiobook converter f or mac is current l y the easiest and quickest method to convert itunes and audib l e audiobooks to mp3 or other f or mats such as m4a aac ac3 etc with id tags preserved imp l odeArryConcat you can se l ect an individua l audiobook f or conversion or mu l tip l e audiobooks f or batch conversion imp l odeArryConcat audiobook converter enab l es you to convert audiobooks to mp3 imp l odeArryConcat it is compatib l e with any f or mat of the audiobooks inc l uding drm protected eg l ike aa aax m4b etc imp l odeArryConcat and drm unprotected l ike m4a mp3 etc imp l odeArryConcat f or mats imp l odeArryConcat the program seam l ess l y integrates with itunes and the audiobooks are automatica l l y obtain a l l audib l e audiobooks on your itunes imp l odeArryConcat you wi l l not need to manua l l y se l ect the fi l es f or conversion imp l odeArryConcat during conversion the programme l ega l l y removes the drm protection from the encrypted aa aax m4b audiobook fi l es whi l e ensuring there is no l oss of sound qua l ity imp l odeArryConcat you can a l so se l ect the conversion speed from 1x to 16x imp l odeArryConcat coup l ed with an intuitive software interface this wi l l save you va l uab l e time imp l odeArryConcat it is so simp l e that even a ten year o l d chi l d can easi l y comp l ete a conversion task imp l odeArryConcat easi l y convert audiobooks in... Audio
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 59
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > AudioBook Converter for Mac
AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1
Easi l y sp l it mp3 fi l es based on si l ence fi l e size pieces count time or custom se l ections imp l odeArryConcat such an easy to use mp3 sp l itter a l l ows users to sp l it cut or trim a mp3 fi l e and save resu l ts into new separate mp3 m4a wav aac wma etc fi l es without reducing qua l ity imp l odeArryConcat automatica l l y sp l it fi l es based on si l ence fi l e size pieces count time duration or even associated cue fi l e imp l odeArryConcat cut out pieces of mp3 fi l es remove unwanted sounds in manua l mode or use si l ence detection feature to remove si l ences automatica l l y without l osing the qua l ity imp l odeArryConcat easi l y sp l it and cut mp3 m4a aac fi l es on mac remove unwanted sounds imp l odeArryConcat cut out pieces of mp3 fi l es remove unwanted sounds in manua l mode imp l odeArryConcat app l emacsoft mp3 sp l itter f or mac mp3 is the most popu l ar fi l e f or mat f or audio fi l es imp l odeArryConcat if you want to quick l y sp l it up l arge mp3 fi l es into sma l l er m or e manageab l e pieces app l emacsoft mp3 sp l itter f or mac wou l d be a handy too l imp l odeArryConcat app l emacsoft mp3 sp l itter f or mac is software designed to make it very easy to cut sp l it and trim mp3 m4a and aac audio fi l es with a few simp l e c l icks imp l odeArryConcat mp3 sp l itter f or mac a l so a l l ows you to easi l y add effects inc l uding the abi l ity to fade tracks in and fade them out imp l odeArryConcat with the bui l t in mp3 p l ayer you can pre l isten to each section you want to sp l it bef or e perf or ming mp3 sp l itting Easil
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 75
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1
CF Card Recovery for Mac
Rest or e l ost de l eted or c or rupted photos pictures video from various mem or y cards on mac imp l odeArryConcat cf card recovery f or mac is an easy to use and re l iab l e recovery too l which offers you an efficient way to recovers l ost or de l eted photos videos audio from compactf l ash card on mac os x you can a l so use the software to recover l ost fi l es from other media such as mem or y cards mem or y sticks digita l cameras usb f l ash drive and others imp l odeArryConcat cf card recovery f or mac is an easy to use and re l iab l e recovery too l which offers you an easy and efficient way to recovers l ost or de l eted photos videos audio from your compactf l ash card on mac os x even if you have erased them ref or matted the card or your compactf l ash card has become c or rupted imp l odeArryConcat recover photos videos music from from cf card on mac imp l odeArryConcat supp or ts raw recovery f or a l l popu l ar digita l camera imp l odeArryConcat preview photos bef or e recovery imp l odeArryConcat supp or ts photo recovery of raw image f or mats f or a l l popu l ar digita l cameras imp l odeArryConcat preview photo bef or e recovery imp l odeArryConcat you can a l so use the software to recover l ost fi l es from other media such as mem or y cards mem or y sticks digita l cameras usb f l ash drive and others imp l odeArryConcat supp or ts photo recovery of high end raw image f or mats f or a l l popu l ar digita l cameras inc l uding nikon sony panasonic canon mino l ta o l ympus and kodak etc imp l odeArryConcat furtherm or e sd card... Resto
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 130
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > CF Card Recovery for Mac