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Histoire de la lutte française contre le piratage...
01net implo d eArryConcat s'est lancé d ans le jeu d e retracer en quelques d ates clés l' histoire d e la lutte contre le piratage à la française implo d eArryConcat on verra qu'ainsi entre mai 2004 et aujour d 'hui la situation n'a finalement pas vraiment changé : il y a toujours autant voire plus d e français qui téléchargent illégalement et le gouvernement continue à essayer vainement d 'en d iguer le phénomène en utilisant d e mauvais il faut le d ire moyens implo d eArryConcat tout le problème est qu'au lieu d e se remettre en question après un échec la france continue à se comp or ter comme si d e rien n'était et c'est ce qui nous mène aujour d 'hui au bien triste projet d e loi ha d opi implo d eArryConcat piratage sur internet : chronique d 'une lutte acharnée 01net
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Actualités > Histoire de la lutte française contre le piratage...
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histoire pas drôle avec vos macs(on parle pas technique iç
Et tu d ois avoir une histoire sympa aussi avec la fou d re qui a ren d u sour d ton mac non ???
Tie implo d eArryConcat ns, je ne m'en souviens plus d e celle-là ? C'était quoi cette histoire d e fou d re Imat ?
Il me implo d eArryConcat r tiens je me souviens d 'une histoire assez d role: (ça ne concerne pas d irectement le mac mais c'e implo d eArryConcat ns plus)
Cette histoire ca m as bloqué mon mini pen d ant un mois ( je suis partie en d eplacement en implo d eArryConcat Sinon j'ai une histoire marrante (enfin moi ça m'a fait rire).
Il y a quelque semaines, un po implo d eArryConcat peine 2 semaines après t'avais tout refait planter non? Une histoire ou tu voulais mettre a jours implo d eArryConcat le firmware d e l'ipo d !MDR tetio et tu d ois avoir une histoire sympa aussi avec la fou d re qui implo d eArryConcat ette histoire d e fou d re Imat ?Que d e bon souvenir Melo Par contre t'as pas tout raconté... il me s implo d eArryConcat emble que a peine 2 semaines après t'avais tout refait planter non? Une histoire ou tu voulais mett implo d eArryConcat etio et tu d ois avoir une histoire sympa aussi avec la fou d re qui a ren d u sour d ton mac non ? implo d eArryConcat Mais le truc marrant et con d ans cette histoire c'est que je me suis inter d it l'accès à mon propre implo d eArryConcat Oui en effet, je m'en souviens maintenant ! Mais comme tu d is ! c'est loin tout ça MDR tetio implo d eArryConcat semble que tu avais un problème d e son une... et
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- Forum
histoire de "frappe"...... ;-)
Euh, impossible chez moi d e faire les carré, exposants etc.....
j'obtiens ceci ²
arghC'es implo d eArryConcat t vrai que le @ d u clavier Mac français est très pratique...je le regrette un peu d epuis que j'ai implo d eArryConcat mon clavier Suisse, ou je d ois faire Alt+G Dans ce d omaine...
Je ne compren d s toujours pas pourquoi implo d eArryConcat le @ est enc or e si d ur à obtenir sur un clavier PC (français, c'est plus facile sur les claviers implo d eArryConcat
Et sinon pour les scientifiques qui vou d raient faire d es jolis d ocuments avec pleins d e symbol implo d eArryConcat es mathématiques partout... bin ya LaTeX !!Et avec les insertions automatiques (W or d ) ou les auto-t implo d eArryConcat extes (Neo ou open office)?Et en mettant ton carré d ans un presse papiers type iClip ?
Tu peux le implo d eArryConcat ress or tir à la d eman d e en un clic.
Je viens d e tester, ça fonctionne.avec le wi d get d e the d oct implo d eArryConcat or 08 que tu gar d es sur le bureau ; c'est tres rapi d e
tu clic sur le chiffre puis clic d roit et implo d eArryConcat collerya...!!
mais d e façon "simple" , because avec les caractères spéciaux, je sais faire, m implo d eArryConcat
d ommage j'étais aussi intéressé par le résultat.
bin tant pis...
il est vrai que pourqu implo d eArryConcat oi pas cube, racine ou autre..., mais la question vient d 'un prof d e math/physique, et là, faut avo implo d eArryConcat uer que le "carré" est bien pratique.
la... Euh,
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MacClean - iMobie
Macclean vous permet d 'effacer tous les cookies caches sessions histoire mots d e passe enregistrés etc implo d eArryConcat excellent logiciel d e nettoyage & optimisation pour votre mac macclean vous ai d e à libérer plus d 'espace d isque d ur protéger vos d onnées privées et améli or er les perf or mances d e votre mac en quelques clics implo d eArryConcat maintenant profitez d 'un mac plus rapi d e et plus sécurisé avec macclean implo d eArryConcat libérez d e plusieurs go d 'espace sur votre mac
vous pouvez vous d ébarrasser d e tous les fichiers inutiles sur votre mac sans risque d e supprimer un fichier imp or tant en utilisant macclean implo d eArryConcat il analyse chaque coin d e votre mac cherche et supprime en toute sécurité les fichiers inutiles afin d e maximiser votre espace sur le d isque d ur implo d eArryConcat avec plus d 'espace libre vous pouvez faire plus avec votre mac et en profiter pleinement implo d eArryConcat assurez la confi d entialité d e votre activité en ligne
les navigateurs et les sites web suivent vos comp or tements en ligne en créant d es caches ainsi que d es cookies qui restent sur votre or d inateur implo d eArryConcat la meilleure façon d e protéger votre vie privée contre les fuites est d e les nettoyer implo d eArryConcat d ans votre safari chrome firefox et opera implo d eArryConcat
effacer les cookies malveillants pour éliminer les d angers cachés
macclean d étecte votre mac d e fon d en comble et efface d éfinitivement les cookies malveillants afin... Maccl
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 54
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Sauvegarde > MacClean - iMobie
Apeaksoft Free Online Audio Converter
You coul d extract au d io you want from vi d eo or just convert au d io to au d io implo d eArryConcat supp or t both win d ows an d mac no file size limit it is really magical software with no requirement on operation system or browser implo d eArryConcat convert vi d eo/au d io files to any popular au d io f or mat on line f or free compare d with general au d io conversion tools apeaksoft free online au d io converter is proficient at converting various vi d eo/au d io files to au d io f or mats acc or d ing to your nee d with fast converting spee d implo d eArryConcat it can also meet your d eman d with powerful functio apeaksoft free online au d io converter is very easy an d convenient to use implo d eArryConcat it can convert vi d eo/au d io files to wav ac3 aiff flac an d so on implo d eArryConcat it also has a lot of powerful au d io settings functions f or example improve au d io quality change au d io channels an d au d io bit rate au d io sample rate etc implo d eArryConcat an d after conversion you will get high quality of the converte d au d io files implo d eArryConcat key functions 1 implo d eArryConcat convert any vi d eo/au d io to other au d io f or mats this software coul d convert vi d eo/au d io files to au d io f or mats such as mp3 wma aac wav ac3 aiff etc implo d eArryConcat in a d d ition it also coul d d o the batch conversion at one time beyon d your imagination implo d eArryConcat 2 implo d eArryConcat powerful settings function an d totally free with apeaksoft free online au d io converter you will have no problem in improving the... You c
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 6
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- Licence : Freeware
Multimedia > Audio > Apeaksoft Free Online Audio Converter
EasySignCut Pro for Mac v4.0.5.2
Easysigncut pro is the most comprehensive sign d esign layout an d vinyl cutting software f or making signs lettering logos posters stencils d ecals an d stickers using your cutting machine or vinyl plotter implo d eArryConcat easysigncut pro is the complete sign making an d vinyl cutting software your cutting plotter implo d eArryConcat the complete sign making an d vinyl cutting software f or making signs lettering logos an d d ecals using your cutting plotter implo d eArryConcat supp or t contour cutting implo d eArryConcat it giving you the ability to cut any font alrea d y installe d on your computer implo d eArryConcat the a d vance d d esign an d layout tools will make your w or k easier an d faster raster to vect or auto tracing conversion an d contour cutting will push your possibilities to a new level implo d eArryConcat eff or tlessly d esign contour paths f or print an d cut output implo d eArryConcat easysigncut pro also has a variety of features an d functions to increase pro d uctivity of your cuting job implo d eArryConcat these features inclu d e:* rhinestone creation wel d /join shapes together cut d ifferent col or s separately wee d excess vinyl * registration marks print an d cut tiling * 3 d extru d e effect cuttable sha d ows * fit text/objects to path an d cut multiple copies etc implo d eArryConcat * easy cut stu d io compatible with all popular cutting plotters/vinyl cutters inclu d ing graphtec rolan d mutoh summa ioline saga craftwell ecraft silhouette s d /cameo/p or trait craft... Easys
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 228
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Imagerie > EasySignCut Pro for Mac v4.0.5.2
DJ Mixer Express for Mac
d j mixer express f or mac is an easy to use d j mixing software that mix not only au d io tracks but also vi d eo or karaoke songs implo d eArryConcat d j mixer express f or mac is use d to play live in clubs an d big sta d iums at we d d ings private parties or just at home implo d eArryConcat automatic beat matching an d d j mixing software f or mac os x implo d eArryConcat d j mixer express f or mac is an easy to use d j mxing software provi d es instant bpm beat matching automatic mixing automatic bpm d etection complete d mixes compatible with itunes live rec or d ing implo d eArryConcat an d professional soun d quality implo d eArryConcat the application features inclu d e d ual player d ecks visualize wavef or ms automatic au d io/vi d eo mixing automatic bpm d etection automatic tempo control an d one click beat matching seamless beat aware loop an d cue points crossfa d ing smart sync automatic gain master tempo vinyl simulation keylock fx effects supp or t mix your music vi d eo an d karaoke an d from itunes implo d eArryConcat supp or t rec or d your mixes f or burn them to c d s implo d eArryConcat with d j mixer express mix & perf or m your music files at a professional level anyone can mix their music an d vi d eo with program's simple interface in just minutes implo d eArryConcat d j mixer express f or mac is an easy to use d j software with d ual player d ecks automatic mixing automatic tempo control instant beat matching crossfa d ing seamless looping automatic bpm d etection automatic gain master tempo vinyl... Dj mi
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 563
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Express for Mac
321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
If your files were lost d elete d f or matte d or c or rupte d 321soft usb flash recovery can help you rest or e them quickly an d safely implo d eArryConcat 6 or later implo d eArryConcat if your files were lost unintentionally d elete d f or matte d or c or rupte d by viruses implo d eArryConcat 6 or higher inclu d ing new macos sierra 10 implo d eArryConcat recover d elete d /lost photo vi d eo an d files from from usb an d mem or y car d implo d eArryConcat 321soft usb flash recovery f or mac is d evelope d to recover photo vi d eo an d other files from usb d rive flash mem or y car d mobile phones an d any type of st or age d evice implo d eArryConcat it supp or ts recovery of raw photo an d h d vi d eo implo d eArryConcat preview files bef or e recovery implo d eArryConcat it also supp or ts recovery of high en d raw photo an d h d vi d eo implo d eArryConcat supp or t scan an d preview recoverable files implo d eArryConcat an d compatible with mac os x 10 implo d eArryConcat 321soft usb flash recovery f or mac is the most a d vance d d ata recovery software specifically d evelope d f or usb d rive an d mem or y car d implo d eArryConcat it can recover photos vi d eo d ocuments an d other files from usb d rive flash mem or y car d mem or y sticks c d / d v d mobile phones an d virtually any type of d ata st or age d evice that w or k as a removable st or age implo d eArryConcat 321soft usb flash recovery can help you rest or e them quickly with a jew clicks implo d eArryConcat also you can create image of the attache d st or age me d ia so that you can rest or e your precious photos... If yo
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 303
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Compression > 321Soft USB Flash Recovery for Mac v5.1.4.3
DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
Whether you're mixing au d io music vi d eo or even karaoke files d j mixer 3 pro gives you full control over your me d ia allowing you to release your creativity to make every mix d ifferents implo d eArryConcat the complete mac d j software f or mixing au d io vi d eo an d karaoke implo d eArryConcat d j mixer professional f or mac is the lea d ing e d ge d j software f or mixing au d io music vi d eo an d karaoke implo d eArryConcat this software will satisfy the expectations of professional d js who nee d a powerful an d reliable d j tool implo d eArryConcat d j mixer professional f or mac is the lea d ing e d ge an d versatile d j/vj software that allowing you to create complex music an d vi d eo mixes on the fly implo d eArryConcat this version featuring four d j d ecks with professional gra d e mixer an d playlists implo d eArryConcat this software has been d evelope d mainly f or professionals to use an d experiment a d vance d d j techniques implo d eArryConcat d j mixer pro inclu d es all the professional features a real d j nee d s implo d eArryConcat such as one click beat matching vi d eo mixing automatic tempo an d beat d etection real time sampler seamless an d beat loop functionality vst effects vinyl simulation time stretching karaoke c d g+mp3 an d / or zip supp or t up to d ate mi d i an d hi d controllers supp or t mi d i learn seamless itunes integration an d much m or e implo d eArryConcat best of all d j mixer professional has an intuitive user interface closely resembling a real w or l d mixing boar d that makes it easy to set an d save... Wheth
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 426
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Professional for Mac 3.6.8
PDF Merger Mac
First click the convenient "a d d " button to select the p d f files to be merge d via the mac os x fin d er or just d rag an d d rop the files into the p d f merger mac app win d ow implo d eArryConcat users merely click a filename an d then click the "move up " or "move d own" buttons to a d just a file's position in the list implo d eArryConcat or simply click on a file an d while hol d ing d own on the mouse button d rag it to its fresh position in the list implo d eArryConcat p d f merger mac is a mac os x application to merge p d f d ocs to a single p d f file implo d eArryConcat p d f merger mac is a free mac os x application that let you merge several p d f d ocuments into one single p d f file implo d eArryConcat the merge d p d f file will keep the or iginal f or matting page size an d page or ientation implo d eArryConcat p d f merger mac also allows you to a d just the p d f sequence by the up an d d own buttons which means you can simply a d d your p d f d ocuments an d re or d er the sequence later even if those files are in d ifferent fol d ers implo d eArryConcat merge 1 000+ p d f files in few secon d s
keep or iginal page size or ientation an d f or matting
allow users to a d just the p d f merging or d er
100% free
merging p d f files with the app is an easy three step process implo d eArryConcat secon d click the "combine p d fs to" button which then allows the selection of the d rive location an d filename of the merge d p d f d ocument implo d eArryConcat the thir d an d final step consists of simply clicking the "start now" button to start the... First
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 353
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF Merger Mac
MacX MediaTrans
With cutting e d ge tech this iphone manager is able to transfer d ata at a spee d of 20 megabits per secon d so even 100 4k photos can be transferre d in 8 secon d s!
w or king as itunes alternative macx me d iatrans is the fastest d ata transfer to backup your iphone ipa d files free up m or e st or age space bef or e up d ating to new ios or change to a new iphone implo d eArryConcat no m or e erasing or iginal d ata complicate d operation awkwar d one way sync process or strict f or mat limitation implo d eArryConcat freely transfer vi d eo h d movie tv show an d home vi d eo to ipa d iphone from mac or mac to i d evice implo d eArryConcat backup files at w or l d ’s fastest transferring spee d without quality loss or d ata loss implo d eArryConcat best way to transfer photo vi d eo & music between iphone ipa d ipo d an d mac best d ata manager to transfer vi d eo music tv show movie an d photo between iphone an d mac implo d eArryConcat it allows you imp or t/exp or t d ata at fast spee d with zero quality loss implo d eArryConcat you can also use iphone as usb d rive f or file backup implo d eArryConcat w or k as itunes alternative implo d eArryConcat macx me d iatrans is the best solution to transfer & backup d ata between iphone ipa d ipo d an d mac implo d eArryConcat it not only manages an d or ganizes the file on your d evice like vi d eo music photo movie tv show but also supp or ts backing up p d f app d mg to iphone by using it as usb d rive implo d eArryConcat this mac file manager also empowers you to create/ d elete/e d it playlists an d ... With
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 260
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > MacX MediaTrans
JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
Jpg to p d f converter f or mac creates p d f d ocuments fromjpg tif png bmp or gif files that you select implo d eArryConcat if you want to change the page sequence simply click the move up or move d own buttons or d rag the image path an d d rop to the c or rect row implo d eArryConcat make contract easily
with jpg to p d f converter f or mac you can make p d f contract from photos or scanne d images implo d eArryConcat convert jpg an d oither image f or mats to p d f d ocument on mac os implo d eArryConcat simply d rag an d d rop your images an d photos onto the application an d click convert now button to start the task implo d eArryConcat jpg to p d f converter f or mac creates p d f d ocuments from image files that you select implo d eArryConcat with jpg to p d f converter f or mac you can easily pro d uce p d f ebooks from image materials an d create p d f contract from scanne d images & photos implo d eArryConcat f or mats supp or te d : jpg jpeg tiff tif bmp png gif implo d eArryConcat note: this application can convert single page tiff f or mat images to p d f d ocuments but cannot convert the multi page tiff image to p d f f or mat implo d eArryConcat features & benefits
easy to use
simply d rag an d d rop images an d click convert now button to start the conversion implo d eArryConcat fast conversion
the converter converts hun d re d s of images to p d f d ocuments in few secon d s implo d eArryConcat image f or mats
the application supp or ts most popular image f or mats like jpg tiff bmp png an d gif implo d eArryConcat Jpg t
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 76
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > JPG to PDF Converter for Mac
PDF To JPG Converter for Mac
Convert p d f to jpg bmp gif png tif f or mats on mac os x p d f to jpg converter f or mac is a mac application that fast converts p d f d ocuments to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff implo d eArryConcat the program also let users customize the output image d pi d ots per inch to get large or small size images implo d eArryConcat d f to jpg converter f or mac is a mac application that fast converts p d f d ocuments to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff implo d eArryConcat the program also let users customize the output image d pi d ots per inch to get large high quality images or small thumbnails implo d eArryConcat benefits
high quality image output
convert p d f files to large an d high quality images f or big margin printing or commercial use implo d eArryConcat when users want to convert several p d f files in bulk there is a fol d er creation function can convert each p d f file to each new fol d er name d as the p d f filename implo d eArryConcat output image f or mats: jpg jpeg tiff tif bmp png gif implo d eArryConcat
protecte d p d f conversion:p d f to jpg converter f or mac can smoothly convert owner passw or d protecte d p d f restricte d p d f files you can rea d but cannot print an d copy text from implo d eArryConcat however the program cannot convert user passw or d protecte d p d f files which you cannot rea d without a passw or d implo d eArryConcat make thumbnails
convert p d f pages to small images an d thumbnails easily by set a lower d pi implo d eArryConcat supp or t... Conve
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 142
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF To JPG Converter for Mac
PDF Password Remover Mac
P d f passw or d remover mac is a mac os x application that removes p d f owner passw or d an d p d f restriction or limitation implo d eArryConcat remove p d f owner passw or d an d p d f restriction on mac os x implo d eArryConcat users only nee d to d rag the locke d p d f onto the p d f passw or d remover win d ow an d then the application will start imme d iately implo d eArryConcat what can you d o after removing p d f passw or d
copy the content from p d f
after removing p d f passw or d you copy the content text from the d ecrypte d p d f an d use the text wherever you want implo d eArryConcat convert the p d f d ocument to other f or mats
the restricte d p d f d ocument can not be converte d implo d eArryConcat after p d f passw or d remover processing the p d f file can be converte d an d exp or te d to ms w or d excel image an d other e d itable f or mats by other p d f converters implo d eArryConcat print the p d f
bef or e removing the passw or d from the protecte d p d f users d oesn't have the auth or ity to print the p d f implo d eArryConcat once remove d the passw or d an d restrictions the p d f file can be printe d very well as a n or mal d ocument implo d eArryConcat now just d ownloa d the p d f passw or d remover mac to remove all restrictions from your p d f! Pdf p
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 179
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF Password Remover Mac
AROW 1.0
You can customize win d ow buttons actions or keyboar d sh or tcut f or quick win d ow management implo d eArryConcat you can set keyboar d sh or tcuts to be m or e pro d uctive an d customize the event when clicking on one of the top left buttons or lets you quickly resize a win d ows with the smart gri d panel implo d eArryConcat customize top left buttons
i know you often use the top left buttons to close minimize or expan d a win d ow but d o you know you can d o even m or e? with arow you can customize what happen when you click on on of those buttons f or example you can expan d the win d ow to left half of your screen by clicking on minimize buttons yellow one with the right click or your mouse implo d eArryConcat a quick way to or ganize resize an d position open win d ows on your mac os x implo d eArryConcat arow or ganizes open win d ows on your mac os x implo d eArryConcat you can instantly resize position arrange win d ows simply by d ragging them to the e d ges of the screen implo d eArryConcat arow is a quick way to or ganize open win d ows on your mac os x implo d eArryConcat you can instantly resize position arrange win d ows simply by d ragging them to the e d ges of your screen implo d eArryConcat d epen d ing on where you d rag a win d ow you can maximize your win d ows position them si d e by si d e take up half screen etc implo d eArryConcat arow makes rea d ing or ganizing an d comparing win d ows so easy implo d eArryConcat extremely easy to use
to arrange an d resize win d ows all you nee d to d o is two steps: 1... You c
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 55
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > AROW 1.0
ViewPic for Mac
Quick image viewer f or mac os x viewpic is a lightning fast image viewer you can simply d rag an d d rop a image fol d er or multiple images to view them instantly implo d eArryConcat * view thousan d s of images in a fol d er
still using preview to view image one by one? now you can d rag multiple images to viewpic or simply open a fol d er d irectly press back an d f or war d to view all images quickly an d smoothly implo d eArryConcat it's a well d esigne d image viewer f or mac with faster spee d less d istractions an d better image viewing experience implo d eArryConcat viewpic is a lightning fast image viewer you can quickly browse through all images in a fol d er implo d eArryConcat it's d esigne d f or improving your image viewing experience on mac os x implo d eArryConcat * better image viewing experience
viewpic features a neat an d typical interface all functional button are liste d on top an d thumbnail at the bottom both of them will hi d e automatically an d show up when you nee d them implo d eArryConcat you can even view image in chromeless mo d e so you can avoi d unnecessary d istraction when viewing images implo d eArryConcat * super fast viewing
d isplay your photos inclu d ing the large image files in fast spee d an d lossless quality implo d eArryConcat view your images in real time since you never have to imp or t them into library first implo d eArryConcat * convenient viewing option
you can also a d just the image f or better viewing with options to flip h or izontal / vertical rotate resize... Quick
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 335
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Imagerie > ViewPic for Mac
EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
Easysplitmarge is a fast app to split or join files implo d eArryConcat split large file into smaller files an d merge them together when you nee d it implo d eArryConcat easysplitmarge is a simple application that allows you to split a large file into smaller files that are m or e manageable an d merge them together when you nee d it implo d eArryConcat split an d merge back your files on mac os x implo d eArryConcat easysplitmarge supp or ts large file with simple interface an d easy to use implo d eArryConcat that allows you to split a large file into smaller files that are m or e manageable an d merge them together when you nee d it implo d eArryConcat if you have a large file that cannot be sent to another computer you can quickly an d easily spilt this large file into several smaller files by using this software implo d eArryConcat an d hence the files can be easily transferre d to another computer implo d eArryConcat after which you can then use this software to merge the splitte d files back as the or iginal file implo d eArryConcat the application automatically splits the file acc or d ing to specifie d file size an d number of pieces implo d eArryConcat it supp or ts any file type an d there are no file f or mat restrictions implo d eArryConcat file types supp or te d inclu d e vi d eo au d io d ocuments p d f archive files applications sprea d sheets pictures an d so on implo d eArryConcat also it supp or ts rapi d imme d iate split an d merge/rest or e files without waiting Easys
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 43
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
AudioBook Converter for Mac
Au d iobook converter enables you to convert both d rm protecte d an d unprotecte d au d io books to unprotecte d to unprotecte d mp3 or aac files with c d quality at 16x faster spee d ! au d iobook converter f or mac is currently the easiest an d quickest metho d to convert itunes an d au d ible au d iobooks to mp3 or other f or mats such as m4a aac ac3 etc with i d tags preserve d implo d eArryConcat you can select an in d ivi d ual au d iobook f or conversion or multiple au d iobooks f or batch conversion implo d eArryConcat au d iobook converter enables you to convert au d iobooks to mp3 implo d eArryConcat it is compatible with any f or mat of the au d iobooks inclu d ing d rm protecte d eg like aa aax m4b etc implo d eArryConcat an d d rm unprotecte d like m4a mp3 etc implo d eArryConcat f or mats implo d eArryConcat the program seamlessly integrates with itunes an d the au d iobooks are automatically obtain all au d ible au d iobooks on your itunes implo d eArryConcat you will not nee d to manually select the files f or conversion implo d eArryConcat d uring conversion the programme legally removes the d rm protection from the encrypte d aa aax m4b au d iobook files while ensuring there is no loss of soun d quality implo d eArryConcat you can also select the conversion spee d from 1x to 16x implo d eArryConcat couple d with an intuitive software interface this will save you valuable time implo d eArryConcat it is so simple that even a ten year ol d chil d can easily complete a conversion task implo d eArryConcat easily convert au d iobooks in... Audio
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 59
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > AudioBook Converter for Mac
AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1
Easily split mp3 files base d on silence file size pieces count time or custom selections implo d eArryConcat such an easy to use mp3 splitter allows users to split cut or trim a mp3 file an d save results into new separate mp3 m4a wav aac wma etc files without re d ucing quality implo d eArryConcat automatically split files base d on silence file size pieces count time d uration or even associate d cue file implo d eArryConcat cut out pieces of mp3 files remove unwante d soun d s in manual mo d e or use silence d etection feature to remove silences automatically without losing the quality implo d eArryConcat easily split an d cut mp3 m4a aac files on mac remove unwante d soun d s implo d eArryConcat cut out pieces of mp3 files remove unwante d soun d s in manual mo d e implo d eArryConcat applemacsoft mp3 splitter f or mac mp3 is the most popular file f or mat f or au d io files implo d eArryConcat if you want to quickly split up large mp3 files into smaller m or e manageable pieces applemacsoft mp3 splitter f or mac woul d be a han d y tool implo d eArryConcat applemacsoft mp3 splitter f or mac is software d esigne d to make it very easy to cut split an d trim mp3 m4a an d aac au d io files with a few simple clicks implo d eArryConcat mp3 splitter f or mac also allows you to easily a d d effects inclu d ing the ability to fa d e tracks in an d fa d e them out implo d eArryConcat with the built in mp3 player you can pre listen to each section you want to split bef or e perf or ming mp3 splitting Easil
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 75
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > AppleMacSoft MP3 Splitter for Mac v3.9.1