Télécharger Browser memo application which can take a memo while looking at web gratuit
browser dispose même d’un petit éditeur d’im a ges idé a l pour mettre des a nnot a tions r a pides a v a nt d’envoyer un document p a r m a il implodeArryConc a t browser est un n a vig a teur internet pour m a c b a sé sur web kit implodeArryConc a t en plus d’offrir une n a vig a tion r a pide et perform a nte ce logiciel propose une interf a ce très sobre pour se foc a liser les résult a ts de vos recherches implodeArryConc a t en effet il propose plusieurs fonctionn a lités qui vont vous permettre de g a gner du temps tout en ét a nt plus effic a ce implodeArryConc a t il dispose d’un système de signets qui vous permettent de mémoriser vos sites préférés m a is a ussi d’une gestion de t a gs pour pouvoir regrouper des sites sur des thém a tiques précises : a ctu a lités rése a ux soci a ux sport… vous a pprécierez de pouvoir retrouver vos historiques de n a vig a tion sur l’ensemble de vos m a cs m a is a ussi de profiter d’un système de gestion des mots de p a sse effic a ce a fin que vous ne les oubliiez plus Brows
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 171
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- Licence : Freeware
Internet > Navigateur > Browser
Fl a c to mp3 m a c is a free m a c os a pplic a tion which converts fl a c to mp3 wm a m4 a a a c ogg a nd w a v a udio form a ts implodeArryConc a t convert other a udio form a ts
the a pplic a tion could a lso convert medi a files other a udio form a ts a s input to mp3 like w a v wm a a nd a a c etc implodeArryConc a t the user interf a ce is quite simple a nd you c a n dr a g a nd drop your fl a c files onto the progr a m then the conversion would st a rt inst a ntly fl a c to mp3 m a c will convert a ll your fl a c music a t once implodeArryConc a t a udio extr a cting
fl a c to mp3 m a c c a n extr a ct a udio from a ll popul a r video form a ts like mp4 mov a vi mpg wmv m4p no drm etc implodeArryConc a t convert in bulk
dr a g & drop a ll your fl a c files to convert them a t once implodeArryConc a t convert fl a c a udio to mp3 a nd more form a ts on m a c os implodeArryConc a t the a pp a lso tr a nsfer the met a d a t a a nd t a gs in fl a c into mp3 files so you could keep a ll t a g inform a tion during the conversion implodeArryConc a t besides fl a c form a t the a pp could a lso convert other medi a form a ts to mp3 including video a nd a udio medi a form a ts implodeArryConc a t the a pp a lso tr a nsfers the met a d a t a a nd t a gs in fl a c into mp3 files so you could keep a ll t a g inform a tion during the conversion implodeArryConc a t fe a tures:
e a sy to use
simply dropping fl a c songs onto the progr a m would st a rt the converting immedi a tely implodeArryConc a t 6 output a udio form a ts
supports 6 most popul a r a udio form a ts in the world: mp3 a a c m4 a ogg w a v a nd wm a Flac
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 451
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- Licence : Freeware
Multimedia > Audio > FLAC To MP3 Mac
PDF Merger Mac
Pdf merger m a c is a m a c os x a pplic a tion to merge pdf docs to a single pdf file implodeArryConc a t pdf merger m a c is a free m a c os x a pplic a tion th a t let you merge sever a l pdf documents into one single pdf file implodeArryConc a t pdf merger m a c a lso a llows you to a djust the pdf sequence by the up a nd down buttons which me a ns you c a n simply a dd your pdf documents a nd reorder the sequence l a ter even if those files a re in different folders implodeArryConc a t second click the "combine pdfs to" button which then a llows the selection of the drive loc a tion a nd filen a me of the merged pdf document implodeArryConc a t the progress of the process c a n be re a dily monitored vi a the a pp's progress b a r implodeArryConc a t the entire list of files c a n be cle a red if needed vi a the h a ndy "cle a r list" button implodeArryConc a t occ a sion a lly before clicking the "st a rt now" button a user will re a lize they a dded the documents to the merge list in the wrong order implodeArryConc a t users merely click a filen a me a nd then click the "move up " or "move down" buttons to a djust a file's position in the list implodeArryConc a t or simply click on a file a nd while holding down on the mouse button dr a g it to its fresh position in the list implodeArryConc a t the merged pdf file will keep the origin a l form a tting p a ge size a nd p a ge orient a tion implodeArryConc a t merge 1 000+ pdf files in few seconds
keep origin a l p a ge size orient a tion a nd form a tting
a llow users to a djust the pdf merging order
100% free
... Pdf m
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 353
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF Merger Mac
PDF To JPG Converter for Mac
Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif form a ts on m a c os x pdf to jpg converter for m a c is a m a c a pplic a tion th a t f a st converts pdf documents to im a ge files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff implodeArryConc a t df to jpg converter for m a c is a m a c a pplic a tion th a t f a st converts pdf documents to im a ge files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff implodeArryConc a t however the progr a m c a n not convert user p a ssword protected pdf files which you c a n not re a d without a p a ssword implodeArryConc a t when users w a nt to convert sever a l pdf files in bulk there is a folder cre a tion function c a n convert e a ch pdf file to e a ch new folder n a med a s the pdf filen a me implodeArryConc a t
protected pdf conversion:pdf to jpg converter for m a c c a n smoothly convert owner p a ssword protected pdf restricted pdf files you c a n re a d but c a n not print a nd copy text from implodeArryConc a t f a st conversion
the speed of one pdf file conversion is very f a st a nd it will t a ke only few seconds norm a lly implodeArryConc a t m a ke thumbn a ils
convert pdf p a ges to sm a ll im a ges a nd thumbn a ils e a sily by set a lower dpi implodeArryConc a t the progr a m a lso let users customize the output im a ge dpi dots per inch to get l a rge or sm a ll size im a ges implodeArryConc a t the progr a m a lso let users customize the output im a ge dpi dots per inch to get l a rge high qu a lity im a ges or sm a ll thumbn a ils implodeArryConc a t output im a ge form a ts: jpg jpeg tiff tif bmp png gif implodeArryConc a t benefits
high qu a lity im a ge... Conve
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 142
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF To JPG Converter for Mac
Desktop Web Browser
Desktop web browser a llows you to n a vig a te the internet a nd to displ a y web p a ges directly on the desktop of the finder implodeArryConc a t you w a nt to n a vig a te the internet directly on the desktop of the finder? you w a nt to displ a y a web p a ge a s your desktop w a llp a per? then desktop web browser is wh a t you need! desktop web browser a llows you to n a vig a te the internet a nd to displ a y web p a ges directly on the desktop of the finder implodeArryConc a t you c a n set the tr a nsp a rency of the browser to see your origin a l desktop w a llp a per underne a th implodeArryConc a t you c a n set the refresh period of the browser if you w a nt to a utom a tic a lly refresh the web p a ge periodic a lly implodeArryConc a t it doesn't need a ny inst a ll a tion which m a kes it very e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t you c a n n a vig a te the internet directly on the desktop of the finder implodeArryConc a t you c a n set the url of the web p a ge lo a ded by def a ult a t st a rt implodeArryConc a t n a vig a te the internet a nd displ a y web p a ges directly on the desktop of the finder implodeArryConc a t you just need to press the a lt key to open the links into s a f a ri implodeArryConc a t it is a v a il a ble in dutch english french germ a n hung a ri a n it a li a n j a p a nese kore a n polish russi a n sp a nish a nd m a ny other l a ngu a ges implodeArryConc a t re a d the whole document a tion for more det a ils implodeArryConc a t Deskt
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 100
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- Licence : Shareware
Internet > Navigateur > Desktop Web Browser
DJ Mixer Express for Mac
The a pplic a tion fe a tures include du a l pl a yer decks visu a lize w a veforms a utom a tic a udio/video mixing a utom a tic bpm detection a utom a tic tempo control a nd one click be a t m a tching se a mless be a t a w a re loop a nd cue points crossf a ding sm a rt sync a utom a tic g a in m a ster tempo vinyl simul a tion keylock fx effects support mix your music video a nd k a r a oke a nd from itunes implodeArryConc a t with dj mixer express mix & perform your music files a t a profession a l level a nyone c a n mix their music a nd video with progr a m's simple interf a ce in just minutes implodeArryConc a t with dj mixer express a nyone c a n mix their music k a r a oke a nd videos with progr a m's simple interf a ce implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is used to pl a y live in clubs a nd big st a diums a t weddings priv a te p a rties or just a t home implodeArryConc a t a utom a tic be a t m a tching a nd dj mixing softw a re for m a c os x implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n e a sy to use dj mxing softw a re provides inst a nt bpm be a t m a tching a utom a tic mixing a utom a tic bpm detection completed mixes comp a tible with itunes live recording implodeArryConc a t a nd profession a l sound qu a lity implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n e a sy to use dj mixing softw a re th a t mix not only a udio tr a cks but a lso video or k a r a oke songs implodeArryConc a t support record your mixes for burn them to cds implodeArryConc a t dj mixer express for m a c is a n e a sy to use dj softw a re with du a l pl a yer decks a utom a tic mixing a utom a tic tempo... The a
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 563
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > DJ Mixer Express for Mac
Light Camera Pro
Vous l' a urez compris light c a mer a pro est une bonne a pplic a tion qui s a ur a s a ns a ucun problème répondre a ux a ttentes des utilis a teurs en recherche d' a pplic a tion de type ""multimedi a "" implodeArryConc a t it supports up to 50 kinds of light effects which c a n be a djusted through implodeArryConc a t light c a mer a " cre a tes light effects in re a l time while you t a ke photos implodeArryConc a t a fin de f a ciliter son choix logicielm a c vous propose une sélection des meilleures a pplic a tion s ios pour sm a rtphone comme l' a ppli light c a mer a pro implodeArryConc a t quelles sont les inform a tions import a ntes sur light c a mer a pro ? h a o li est le cré a teur de light c a mer a pro implodeArryConc a t vous pourrez utiliser light c a mer a pro en fr a nç a is Vous
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 4
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- Licence : iTunes
Multimedia > Lecteur Vidéo > Light Camera Pro
EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
E a sysplitm a rge is a simple a pplic a tion th a t a llows you to split a l a rge file into sm a ller files th a t a re more m a n a ge a ble a nd merge them together when you need it implodeArryConc a t the a pplic a tion a utom a tic a lly splits the file a ccording to specified file size a nd number of pieces implodeArryConc a t a fter which you c a n then use this softw a re to merge the splitted files b a ck a s the origin a l file implodeArryConc a t if you h a ve a l a rge file th a t c a n not be sent to a nother computer you c a n quickly a nd e a sily spilt this l a rge file into sever a l sm a ller files by using this softw a re implodeArryConc a t a nd hence the files c a n be e a sily tr a nsferred to a nother computer implodeArryConc a t e a sysplitm a rge is a f a st a pp to split or join files implodeArryConc a t th a t a llows you to split a l a rge file into sm a ller files th a t a re more m a n a ge a ble a nd merge them together when you need it implodeArryConc a t split l a rge file into sm a ller files a nd merge them together when you need it implodeArryConc a t split a nd merge b a ck your files on m a c os x implodeArryConc a t e a sysplitm a rge supports l a rge file with simple interf a ce a nd e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t it supports a ny file type a nd there a re no file form a t restrictions implodeArryConc a t file types supported include video a udio documents pdf a rchive files a pplic a tion s spre a dsheets pictures a nd so on implodeArryConc a t a lso it supports r a pid immedi a te split a nd merge/restore files without w a iting Easys
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 43
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > EasySplitMarge v2.0.2
AudioBook Converter for Mac
You c a n select a n individu a l a udiobook for conversion or multiple a udiobooks for b a tch conversion implodeArryConc a t you c a n a lso select the conversion speed from 1x to 16x implodeArryConc a t it is so simple th a t even a ten ye a r old child c a n e a sily complete a conversion t a sk implodeArryConc a t during conversion the progr a mme leg a lly removes the drm protection from the encrypted a a a a x m4b a udiobook files while ensuring there is no loss of sound qu a lity implodeArryConc a t a udiobook converter en a bles you to convert both drm protected a nd unprotected a udio books to unprotected to unprotected mp3 or a a c files with cd qu a lity a t 16x f a ster speed! a udiobook converter for m a c is currently the e a siest a nd quickest method to convert itunes a nd a udible a udiobooks to mp3 or other form a ts such a s m4 a a a c a c3 etc with id t a gs preserved implodeArryConc a t a udiobook converter en a bles you to convert a udiobooks to mp3 implodeArryConc a t it is comp a tible with a ny form a t of the a udiobooks including drm protected eg like a a a a x m4b etc implodeArryConc a t a nd drm unprotected like m4 a mp3 etc implodeArryConc a t form a ts implodeArryConc a t the progr a m se a mlessly integr a tes with itunes a nd the a udiobooks a re a utom a tic a lly obt a in a ll a udible a udiobooks on your itunes implodeArryConc a t you will not need to m a nu a lly select the files for conversion implodeArryConc a t coupled with a n intuitive softw a re interf a ce this will s a ve you v a lu a ble time implodeArryConc a t e a sily convert a udiobooks in... You c
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 59
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > AudioBook Converter for Mac
321Soft Image Converter for Mac
321soft im a ge converter is the f a stest a nd e a siest but a lso re a lize the b a tch im a ge conversion a pplic a tion th a t supports a ll common picture to multiple im a ge files quickly a nd efficiently converts m a c os x's implodeArryConc a t jpg png bmp gif tiff jpeg 2000 psd pdf a nd tg a you c a n b a tch convert multiple im a ges supports m a ny different form a ts implodeArryConc a t 321soft im a ge converter for m a c user friendly interf a ce me a ns th a t it c a n be used by a nyone implodeArryConc a t you c a n process a single im a ge or a n unlimited number of im a ges a t the s a me time implodeArryConc a t just dr a g a nd drop multiple im a ge files to the window this a pp c a n a utom a tic a lly convert a ll the im a ges a t once implodeArryConc a t a user friendly interf a ce of 321soft im a ge converter for m a c me a ns it c a n be used by a nyone implodeArryConc a t im a ge converter c a n a lso resize the im a ge to sc a le or custom v a lues rot a te the picture implodeArryConc a t 321soft im a ge converter c a n a lso re a d multiple form a ts profession from m a c icon implodeArryConc a t c a n process a single im a ge or a n unlimited number of im a ges a t the s a me time implodeArryConc a t just dr a g a nd drop multiple im a ge files window the progr a m c a n a utom a tic a lly convert a ll im a ges m a c user friendly interf a ce me a ns th a t it c a n be used by a nyone implodeArryConc a t you c a n preview renderings wysiwyg simple a nd intuitive implodeArryConc a t we received a w a rm welcome!
321soft im a ge converter is the f a stest a nd e a siest b a tch im a ge conversion a pp for m a c os... 321so
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 118
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- Licence : Demo
Internet > Téléchargeur > 321Soft Image Converter for Mac
PDF Editor Mac
Pdf editor m a c is a os x free a pplic a tion th a t a llows users to a dd text insert im a ges put w a term a rks to l a bel their copyright ch a nging font size a nd color a nd perform other editings of a pdf document implodeArryConc a t pdf editor m a c is a free a pplic a tion on m a c os x th a t a llows users to a dd text insert im a ges put w a term a rks to l a bel their copyright ch a nging font size a nd color a nd perform other ch a nges of a pdf document implodeArryConc a t rot a te pdf
the a pplic a tion h a s a function of rot a ting pdf p a ges implodeArryConc a t a fter a dding text a nd im a ges you c a n ch a nge the text font a nd color resize the im a ge height a nd width or move them a s well implodeArryConc a t better th a n norm a l pdf re a ders a nd a nnot a tors pdf editor m a c c a n perm a nently s a ve the modified pdf content ch a nges implodeArryConc a t pdf editor m a c fe a tures
write text
you c a n a dd text a nd move it to a ny loc a tion on the pdf p a ge implodeArryConc a t with the pdf editor m a c you c a n e a sily fill in the v a rious pdf form files implodeArryConc a t delete content
pdf editor m a c cont a ins a n er a ser tool a nd you c a n use it to delete a ny of your unw a nted text or gr a phics implodeArryConc a t a t the s a me time you c a n a lso ch a nge the line thickness to get a l a rger or sm a ller er a ser implodeArryConc a t it c a n rot a te pdf files 90 180 or 270 degrees implodeArryConc a t a dd im a ges to pdf
you c a n a dd im a ges to the pdf a nd a djust their width a nd height or the position of the im a ge implodeArryConc a t pdf editor m a c supports most... Pdf e
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 957
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- Licence : Freeware
Utilitaire > Productivité > PDF Editor Mac
iEasyRecorder for Mac
Ie a syrecorder is ide a l a udio recording softw a re for m a c which c a n help you record online music internet r a dios a ny sounds from your computer system a nd record from microphone from a ny m a c a pplic a tion s implodeArryConc a t ie a syrecorder is ide a l a udio recording softw a re for m a c os x which c a n help you record a nything you c a n he a r from your computer a t a nytime implodeArryConc a t high a udio recording qu a lity gu a r a nteed a nd a ll the recordings a re output to mp3/m4 a / a a c/w a v/ a c3/fl a c/m4r a nd ogg form a t without gener a ting a ny tempor a ry files which is extremely resource friendly implodeArryConc a t ie a syrecorder is not only a a udio recording softw a re but a lso a n a udio editor which a llows the users to cut split a nd extr a ct a ny a udio clips they w a nt implodeArryConc a t ie a syrecorder c a n a ctu a lly record up to 4 tr a cks a t the s a me time implodeArryConc a t in a ddition this softw a re c a n e a sily record phone c a lls you’ve m a de through ch a tting a pplic a tion s like skype ich a t a nd f a cetime implodeArryConc a t record sound music or a ny other a udio to mp3/m4 a / a a c/w a v/ a c3/fl a c/m4r a nd etc implodeArryConc a t for ex a mple record online music internet r a dios a ny sounds from your computer system a nd record from microphone from a ny medi a pl a yers such a s win a mp windows medi a pl a yer re a l pl a yer a nd from a ny m a c a pplic a tion s such a s s a f a ri chrome quicktime pl a yer itunes vlc firefox a nd so forth implodeArryConc a t if you w a nt to record multiple songs from online music site simult a neously ... Ieasy
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 142
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- Licence : Shareware
Multimedia > Audio > iEasyRecorder for Mac
MacX Video Converter Free Edition
F a stest a nd e a siest tool to free convert video to m a c mp4 iphone ip a d a ndroid m a cx video converter free edition is the f a stest a nd e a siest video converter which is designed to convert between hd videos mkv m2ts a vchd a nd sd videos a vi mp4 mov flv etc on m a c with zero qu a lity loss implodeArryConc a t m a cx video converter free edition is the f a stest a nd e a siest video converter which is designed to convert between hd videos mkv m2ts a vchd a nd sd videos a vi mp4 mov flv etc on m a c with zero qu a lity loss implodeArryConc a t with this free m a c video converter you c a n extr a ct music from origin a l video to s a ve a s mp3 a c3 wm a etc implodeArryConc a t once you get one desired movie scene you c a n t a ke sn a pshot a nd s a ve it a s png form a ts implodeArryConc a t besides the def a ult settings experienced user c a n set the a dv a nced settings such a s video size bit r a te fr a me r a te s a mple r a te etc implodeArryConc a t a bunch of video editing functions to person a lize video: trim crop merge a dd w a term a rk a dd subtitle implodeArryConc a t moreover its str a ightforw a rd interf a ce a lso a llows you to e a sily convert a ny videos to mp4 mov files pl a y a ble on quicktime pl a yer a nd iphone ip a d ipod a ndroid microsoft devices etc implodeArryConc a t m a in fe a tures: 1 implodeArryConc a t support hd video encoding a nd decoding; it helps you convert a ll hd high definition videos for free such a s mkv a vchd m2ts h implodeArryConc a t 264/ a vc mod etc implodeArryConc a t 2 implodeArryConc a t converting videos... Faste
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 510
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- Licence : Freeware
Multimedia > Audio > MacX Video Converter Free Edition
CPU Speed Accelerator
You w a nt to incre a se the power of your m a c? a t very low cost? you w a nt to incre a se by 20% to 30% the speed of your a pplic a tion s without spending money in new h a rdw a re? you w a nt to a utom a tic a lly a lw a ys m a ke the most of the power of your cpu to the foreground a pplic a tion you a re using? then cpu speed a cceler a tor is wh a t you need! cpu speed a cceler a tor a llows you to dr a stic a lly incre a se the cpu a lloc a ted to your foreground a pplic a tion s to m a ke the most of the power of your m a c implodeArryConc a t it a utom a tic a lly detects the foreground a pplic a tion you a re using implodeArryConc a t it is a bsolutely not h a rmful a t a ll for you m a c a nd your a pplic a tion s since it does not modify a nything on your m a c but just optimizes its processing power only when the a pplic a tion is running implodeArryConc a t it doesn't need a ny inst a ll a tion which m a kes it very e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t it c a n incre a se by up to 30% the power of your m a c implodeArryConc a t you c a n set the percent a ge of a cceler a tion between 0% a nd 100% implodeArryConc a t incre a se the cpu a lloc a ted to your foreground a pplic a tion s to m a ke the most of the power of your m a cintosh implodeArryConc a t cpu speed a cceler a tor a llows you to dr a stic a lly incre a se the cpu a lloc a ted to your foreground a pplic a tion s to m a ke the most of the power of your m a cintosh implodeArryConc a t it redirects unused processing power of your cpu to the foreground a pplic a tion implodeArryConc a t it tells the process m a n a ger of the unix l a yer... You w
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 144
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > CPU Speed Accelerator
Startup Chime Stopper
it is a b a ckground a pplic a tion th a t does not a ppe a r in the dock implodeArryConc a t the "how to int a ll it?" p a r a gr a ph of the document a tion h a s been upd a ted to expl a in how to inst a ll a nd l a unch the a pplic a tion in p a rticul a r under m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t it doesn't need a ny inst a ll a tion which m a kes it very e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t 0: a full recompil a tion h a s been m a de to be comp a tible with el c a pit a n a nd sierr a a nd a s univers a l bin a ry to keep being comp a tible with both old powerpc m a cs a nd recent intel m a cs implodeArryConc a t st a rtup chime stopper a llows you to remove the irrit a ting chime of your m a cintosh a t st a rtup implodeArryConc a t you a re fed up with the irrit a ting chime of your m a c a t st a rtup? you w a nt to remove it? you w a nt to st a rt your m a c without noise? then st a rtup chime stopper is wh a t you need! st a rtup chime stopper a llows you to remove the irrit a ting chime of your m a c a t st a rtup implodeArryConc a t it removes the irrit a ting chime of your m a c a t st a rtup implodeArryConc a t it is a v a il a ble in dutch english french germ a n greek hung a ri a n it a li a n l a tvi a n norwegi a n portuguese russi a n sp a nish swedish a nd m a ny other l a ngu a ges implodeArryConc a t re a d the whole document a tion for more det a ils implodeArryConc a t version 7 implodeArryConc a t 8 mount a in lion 10 implodeArryConc a t 9 m a vericks 10 implodeArryConc a t 10 yosemite 10 implodeArryConc a t 11 el c a pit a n a nd 10 implodeArryConc a t 12 sierr a i
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 26
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Startup Chime Stopper
Pixel Tester
you c a n test a ll possible a nd existing colors on your screen simply by moving the mouse which is fun simple a nd f a st implodeArryConc a t it supports multiple monitors a nd a sks you a t l a unch which one you w a nt to test implodeArryConc a t it doesn't need a ny inst a ll a tion which m a kes it very e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t you c a n in p a rticul a r test pure red pure green a nd pure blue by moving the mouse a t the bottom of the screen a nd pure white by moving it a t the top of the screen implodeArryConc a t you c a n test pure bl a ck a t the end of the test implodeArryConc a t you w a nt to check if your port a ble m a c or your screens or lcd displ a ys h a ve a ny de a d pixels? you w a nt to buy a second h a nd port a ble m a c or lcd displ a y but you w a nt to check it first not to buy a defective one? you h a ve multiple screens connected on the s a me m a c a nd w a nt to check a ll of them without ch a nging the connections? then pixel tester is wh a t you need! pixel tester helps you to detect a ny de a d pixel on your screens or lcd displ a ys implodeArryConc a t pixel tester helps you to detect a ny de a d pixel on your screens or lcd displ a ys implodeArryConc a t it uses sever a l p a tterns to help you to detect de a d pixels more e a sily implodeArryConc a t it is a v a il a ble in dutch english french germ a n it a li a n turkish a nd m a ny other l a ngu a ges implodeArryConc a t re a d the whole document a tion for more det a ils implodeArryConc a t y
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 73
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Diagnostic > Pixel Tester
Mouse Position Menu
the "how to int a ll it?" p a r a gr a ph of the document a tion h a s been upd a ted to expl a in how to inst a ll a nd l a unch the a pplic a tion in p a rticul a r under m a c os x 10 implodeArryConc a t it doesn't need a ny inst a ll a tion which m a kes it very e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t you c a n modify the x a nd y offsets of the mouse coordin a tes implodeArryConc a t 0: a full recompil a tion h a s been m a de to be comp a tible with el c a pit a n a nd sierr a a nd a s univers a l bin a ry to keep being comp a tible with both old powerpc m a cs a nd recent intel m a cs implodeArryConc a t mouse position menu a llows you to displ a y your mouse position in the menu b a r implodeArryConc a t you w a nt to displ a y your mouse coordin a tes in the menu b a r? then mouse position menu is wh a t you need! mouse position menu a llows you to displ a y your mouse position in the menu b a r implodeArryConc a t it displ a ys your mouse position in the right side of the menu b a r implodeArryConc a t it is a v a il a ble in dutch english french germ a n hung a ri a n it a li a n sp a nish a nd m a ny other l a ngu a ges implodeArryConc a t re a d the whole document a tion for more det a ils implodeArryConc a t version 7 implodeArryConc a t 8 mount a in lion 10 implodeArryConc a t 9 m a vericks 10 implodeArryConc a t 10 yosemite 10 implodeArryConc a t 11 el c a pit a n a nd 10 implodeArryConc a t 12 sierr a t
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 13
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Mouse Position Menu
AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac
It supports a v a riety of gr a phic form a ts which includes jpg gif tiff png bmp tg a psd pcx r a s ico cur r a w form a ts etc implodeArryConc a t gr a phic converter for m a c s a ves you time a s it a llows you to perform t a sks which usu a lly t a ke s hours or d a ys in a couple of minutes implodeArryConc a t wh a t's more you c a n b a tch resize thous a nds of gr a phics a nd photos implodeArryConc a t process multiple gr a phics f a st a nd e a sily you c a n convert b a tches of different form a ts gr a phics to one type of im a ge in one time implodeArryConc a t b a tch gr a phic converter a nd resizer for m a c a pplem a csoft gr a phic converter for m a c a llows you to b a tch convert a nd resize thous a nds of gr a phic files on m a c os x with a few clicks implodeArryConc a t it supports more th a n 50 gr a phic form a ts a pplem a csoft gr a phic converter for m a c a llows you to e a sily convert multiple gr a phic files on m a c os x with a few clicks implodeArryConc a t a pplem a csoft gr a phic converter for m a c is the e a sy to use b a tch im a ge converter a nd photo resizer utility for m a c users a llowing you to convert hundreds of im a ges a t a time with just a few mouse clicks implodeArryConc a t a pplem a csoft m a c gr a phic converter is a lso a perfect utility for resizing im a ges a nd photos implodeArryConc a t a pplem a csoft gr a phic converter for m a c provides a simple user interf a ce th a t a llows you to convert a nd resize gr a phics in b a tch implodeArryConc a t the demo version a llows you to try the m a c gr a phic converter for 30 d a ys a nd is a v a il a ble to downlo a d a t http://www... It su
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 93
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > AppleMacSoft Graphic Converter for Mac
IP Address Menu
it doesn't need a ny inst a ll a tion which m a kes it very e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t it c a n displ a y your extern a l ip a ddress when connected to the internet through a router implodeArryConc a t you c a n copy them to the clipbo a rd by selecting them implodeArryConc a t it c a n a utom a tic a lly send a n em a il or uplo a d a file through ftp with a ll this inform a tion a nd the new ip a ddress when it detects th a t one of your ip a ddresses h a s ch a nged implodeArryConc a t this c a n be useful for ex a mple if you w a nt to be notified when your remote m a c h a s ch a nged of ip a ddress bec a use of a n internet reconnection implodeArryConc a t you c a n configure the subject a nd the body of the em a ils sent implodeArryConc a t you c a n configure the n a me a nd the content of the file uplo a ded through ftp implodeArryConc a t you w a nt to displ a y your current ip a ddress in the menu b a r? you w a nt to displ a y your user n a me your computer n a me the ip a ddress the subnet m a sk a nd the m a c a ddress of e a ch of your network interf a ce a t the s a me time? you w a nt your m a c to a utom a tic a lly send a n em a il or uplo a d a file through ftp when one of your ip a ddresses ch a nges? then ip a ddress menu is wh a t you need! ip a ddress menu a llows you to displ a y your current ip a ddress a nd other inform a tion in the menu b a r a nd to notify you of ch a nges by em a il or ftp implodeArryConc a t displ a y your current ip a ddress a nd other inform a tion in the menu b a r a nd to notify you of ch a nges by em a il or ftp implodeArryConc a t ip... i
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 97
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Optimisation > IP Address Menu
Get File Path
Copy to the clipbo a rd the p a th of a file or folder dropped on it a fter a utom a tic a pplic a tion of progr a mm a ble tr a nsform a tions implodeArryConc a t get file p a th a llows you to copy to the clipbo a rd the p a th of a file or folder dropped on it a fter a utom a tic a pplic a tion of v a rious progr a mm a ble tr a nsform a tions implodeArryConc a t you w a nt to be a ble with a single dr a g a nd drop or a single click to get or copy in the clipbo a rd the p a th of a file or a folder? you don't w a nt to send full files to your colle a gues by em a il but just a link in order to work on the s a me documents a nd not on copies? then get file p a th is wh a t you need! get file p a th a llows you to copy to the clipbo a rd the p a th of a file or folder dropped on it a fter a utom a tic a pplic a tion of v a rious progr a mm a ble tr a nsform a tions implodeArryConc a t it c a n a utom a tic a lly insert other ch a r a cters a nd t a gs during the copy which is useful to cre a te links for ex a mple implodeArryConc a t it doesn't need a ny inst a ll a tion which m a kes it very e a sy to use implodeArryConc a t it c a n a utom a tic a lly resolve a li a ses files a nd p a ths implodeArryConc a t it c a n use unix p a ths a s well a s m a c p a ths implodeArryConc a t it c a n copy the result to the clipbo a rd or to a n edit field implodeArryConc a t it c a n a utom a tic a lly repl a ce bl a nk sp a ces by %20 in the p a ths implodeArryConc a t it c a n a utom a tic a lly quit a fterw a rds implodeArryConc a t it works with a ny kind of file a pplic a tion s documents folders implodeArryConc a t it uses... Copy
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- Nombre de téléchargement : 37
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- Licence : Shareware
Utilitaire > Productivité > Get File Path